Yeah. Basically. Hahaha.
Not from dancing. Use your.. Imagination. Hahahaha.
Close up.
My phhhonnee. Call it. Haha.
My wallet. So perrdy.
Another nice message.
My Bedddd. My Rainbowbrite Blanket and Curious George who I sleep with every night.
My night stand. It was 7:15 pm when I took that picture.. as you can see. Oh and look a mint life saver with a peice of gum on it. I blame my friend Dan. Lots of candles too. =D
My car keysssss. Yay!
My very messy closet with my millions of shoes. Just look! and purses on the door, but you cant really see them. the door usually stays shut cause my room is clean.. but if that was open it would just ruin it.. haha.
I absolutely looove this book. I read it all the time when I wake up to see what my dreams mean. =)
My Frog cup I was drinking water out of. Haha.
Greek Vodka. Ouzo. It tastes like black licorice. (Eww..) My ::sigh:: Ex boyfriend was 100% Greek and when he went to Greece last summer he brought it back for me. Just recently, like myabe 3 months ago we finished off the bottle our selves. Yeah we got pretty drunk.. ;Þ
My Rainbow Brite dolls!! I have a few more they just couldnt fit on the table I had them all on.
My Rainbow Brite Lunch booxxxx! YAY!
My bracelts. Made with Shells found on the beach. =D
My Super Nintendo. The best game ever, Zelda.
My Tattoo. I got it when I was 16. Im 19 now.
Saving the best two for last. Thats 5 Euro my ex..boyfriend gave me from when he came back Greece last summer.
The Phone Card He used in Greece to ask me out last Summer. July 25th 2003. Okay Im going to go cry now... ::Sigh::
Alright well I had a lot of fun doing this, minus the whole ex boyfriend thing and me wanting to hang myself right now.... haha But I hope you guys had fun doing it too!!