x-posted like a mother fucker.

Apr 09, 2005 04:37

ohhhhhhhhhh man.



i just saw jason mraz. playing a show. a few feet away from me. fuckkkk girl.

we'll start with arriving at the toll booth for the tunnel.

and me, smoking it up in the car.

handing the money over..

recieving the money.

leaving ball-mer.

our exit.

pretty flowers along the highway..


lauren looks happy about it.

as do i.

but as long as there's a camera.. we don't care :)

directions. to jaki. and jason. ::purrr:: i can't believe i fucking saw him. god.

toll for the bay bridge.


kisses from lauren.

the briggity-bridge.

THERE'S A KILLER IN THE BACKSEAT!!! what kind of sign is that!?@!?

first, it's cotton candy..

then you chew it..

and it becomes GUM!!!!!

we arrive..

and find a guy who stole a whole box of eclaires! mmmm

then i made friends with a head.

then we got really close.

then jaki and i molested him.

aww, jaki and her pretty trees :)

oh GOD we're so majestic.

statues need love too.

that's where jaki lives :)

perrrrty trees.

there's a line.. why are they all 12??? jaki doesn't know.

my two hot dates.

we love each other.. haha

lauren always makes the same faces.

her shirt says 'i partied at mcdonalds! haha awesome.

our toes.

fucking glitter pants... this girl had pants that said jason mraz in glitter.. and the shirt.. and the hat... sheesh.

we sat with the moms and dads. and they LOVED us!

they even took a picture for us :) and look how diverse we are!
a white chick who's so white it looks like she's wearing high socks.. no, those are my legs... a beautiful black lady.. and a cuban. haha

oh..uhh...uhgggggg... orgasm.

it's blurry.. but that's toca, my friends.

a blurry jason.

uhh...agghhhh...ughhh.. nother one.

big full band shot :)

oh geeze.. oh man.. ahahah..

jason shook his booty all fucking night. god damn i love that fucking guy.

the fucking end. best show ever. best night ever. best.. jason.
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