Pinto... is an awesome name for a computer. I'm in awe!
anyway. happy 21st! if 21 is half as good for you as it has been for me I know it'll rock! so to answer your... "question", yes, my year has been absolutely amazing!
and happy weight loss. although I hope you're not going hungry bb.
i still haven't seen the new star trek movie but i've heard it's really good. i tried to get my teenage brother to see it with me but he refused because it's not cool to go to the movies with your older sister. i find chris pine attractive but not so much zachary quinto tbh. a lj comm that i'm a member of are always posting pics of chris pine & zachary quinto. what kind of laptop did you get? (i'm such a nerd).
You should seriously go see it, it is so good. I went and saw it again with my brother on Saturday as part of my birthday present. It's the only movie I have ever seen more than once at the movies. Would that community be ohnotheydidnt? I love that place! I got a Compaq, I used to have a VAIO but it crapped out really fast.
no, it's ontd_twatlight. it's an off-topic comm mostly but they make fun of twilight as well, which isn't hard. it's my favourite comm but it's such a time waster. i saw twilight & the 4th harry potter movie more than once even though i thought the movies were bad so idk why i went for 2nd viewings. my laptop is crappy but it's still functionable.
Haha I went and saw it for the second time in the weekend, it's so good! I have looked in there but I'm not a member, it seems like a really fun place!
Comments 11
anyway. happy 21st! if 21 is half as good for you as it has been for me I know it'll rock! so to answer your... "question", yes, my year has been absolutely amazing!
and happy weight loss. although I hope you're not going hungry bb.
Not more hungry anymore than your average student who spends too much money on clothes.
Star Trek. Freaking. Rocks.
I got a Compaq, I used to have a VAIO but it crapped out really fast.
are you a member of ontd_startrek? It helps me with my addiction lol.
I have looked in there but I'm not a member, it seems like a really fun place!
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