» general.
Fourth Walling; I'm okay with references to MSPA, but I'd much rather none of her actual story be discussed out of a purely IC context (i.e. "human Jade, why do you have ears?").
Threadjacking; Absolutely, whenever. I don't even give a fuck. B)
Action tags; Yes please. I'm better with them than actual prose.
» physical.
Fighting; OH HOT DAMN YES. I'm not great with it, but I'm always up for it! Just ask first.
Injuries; Chances are I'll be okay with anything, but please ask first! Major ones (i.e. amputations) would definitely need plotted in advance.
Killing; Only in the absolute rarest of circumstances. Must be plotted well in advance.
» love.
Falling in Love; Plotted in advance, but I'm always down for awkward flirting!
Sex; Hahahaha no. :| Six solar sweeps.
Kissing; Yes.
Orientation; Pretty much pansexual!
Relationships; I'd love to have it plotted out ahead of time, but if it develops within the game I'm a-okay with 'em! Basically, I'm a terrible shipper.
» contact.
Name; Kari
AIM; derpy angel
Available; Nearly constantly - especially from 1000-0100, PST.