yo got some funny pics back from the winchester jam of my badself some shit some funny but none amazing so take it wen i can be bothered to update niggers. also i got a job workin in a bar and i get paid in alchohol. no shit. i love my hicktown sumtime.....x
fukin cutloose, day one off weight loss program sixkenshow. winchester jam at the weekend was too nuts i loved it got damn loose hooked up with castle and all the boys and rode like a shitbag.
fuck this. i wana have whiskey gums, im so poor but it fukin rules. i feel so burnt out today, my life feel like its hanging from a string i dunno what the fuck to do with it, i dont giv a shit any more.
::today ive been sessioning a lot of art. i started at 9.30 me and jack went for a fry up with andy and walter...im still here at my studios and its 7pm......yo::
::some more pictures of the loosness that i found::