Well, Connor is over right now and him and my brother are watching Jurassic Park.....i mean its a good movie but...im not really in the mood to watch dinosaurs....oh well...i had nothing else to do so i updated...yeah...well thats it. byee, peace n love clancy
My Dad Is So Weird... I Asked Him How We Were Going To Move This Big Box Thing... And He Pointed At His Head And Said "Kidneys". I Mean WTF...lmfao...He's So Weird. l=) And My Fuckin Foot Hurts!!!!!! A Crate Ran Over It And Twisted It. AAARRRGGGHHH
Katie Stebbins Sucks!! and why is this??.... SHE KILLED MY HAIR!!!!!!!! she diecided too "even" out my hair and what does she do... SHE KILLS IT ARRRRGGGGHHHH my hair is so....wacktarded...garrr BLEH!!! peace n love(not towards katie) clancy
at home being a sick fuck im in pain all over and it sucks bored i wish i was at skool cuz we arent doin anything 2day beltrans absent I HATE BEING AT HOME!!!!!!!!! I HATE BEING SICK!!!!!!!!!!!! peace n love clancy
the best thing i heard 2day..lmao: "Validating...hmm...that sounds so...so.....professional! -Aileen!!! shes the best!! I ♥ AILEEN!!!!!!!! byee peace n love clancy