Title: Art for "There Is No Roadmap To Your Life"
Fandom: Merlin
Characters/Pairings: Merlin, Arthur, Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG-13? If that
Medium: Photomanip & Digital Painting/Blending
Summary: Art for
truelyesoteric's PL fic, There Is No Roadmap To Your Life. Link to fic masterpost
HERENotes: Guess who has two thumbs and was finishing this all at the last minute? d(ʘ‿ʘ)b Thanks to
truelyesoteric for being patient with me and writing a wonderful fic, and thanks to
blood_songs90--hell, the whole PL chat for looking this over for me. And for putting up with my whining.
Individual portraits:
Merlin on the plane:
Merlin comforting Arthur:
To see a bigger version, click
here Divider:
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