Title: Art for "Crime in Magic City"
Fandom: Merlin
Characters/Pairings (for art): Merlin, Arthur, Gwaine
Rating (for art): PG-13? If that
Medium: Photomanip & Digital Painting/Blending
Warnings: A bit of blood if you're squeamish, but nothing too severe.
Summary: Art for
chicago-ruth's PL fic, Crime in Magic City. Link to fic masterpost
HERENotes: YEP, BACK SO SOON! To be honest, I wish I had more time to ART ALL THE THINGS for
chicago-ruth's amazing fic (I still might, so keep your eyes peeled?), but I hope this enough for now. Thanks again to
blood_songs90 and the rest of the PL chat for looking this over for me.
Arthur fighting in cage match: (thank you Bradley for boxing in Lewis, ilu so much right now)
Portraits: (Blatant excuse to put guys in 1920s fashion is blatant)
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