But Who Was the Royal Albert? & Why Is He Full?

Mar 07, 2005 13:22

Fortune #336.)

“You will be glad to know I am still growing. Admittedly
it is strange to wake up taller every day. My knees
don’t always fit right. Sometimes my elbows knock.
I suspect that, when I break
into the double digits, I will be suitably tall.

“The other day I won a bronze name
for doing one thousand push-ups.
A bronze name from the high priest of homeroom.
A big gong hurrah. A real good morning.

“You must know that exams are approaching. But
you must also remember the tumbling bright giddy commotion,
slipping into new shoes, skirts, airy shirts,
posturing your hands like birds,
wording every third breath with care & - watching:
Maybe he’ll like this. Maybe he’ll like that.
I want to lodge in his eye like a sharp ice crucifix.

“The recent plague has left us I assure you all quite depleted
& I can see the smoke from the southern war.
Nevertheless we are all doing well. I feel I am
wrapped in snug dollar cotton. I smoke mild gold.
If only you could see my blue suit.
If only you could see my brass button.

“Would you believe it but
last evening I was all ready.
I was wearing the white dress. One
sad linen wish in a denim universe. He
came home smelling brown & left
a violet whiskey mark deep in my cheek.

“Imagine me this moment:
balding in a bald office,
seeing boxes of brothers
& listless sisters slide lidless by.

“I can’t help but notice, always
there’s less magic paint than I remember -

“At the same time I can’t complain.
Look; I was spit up on the foot of
boston and - where am I now?

“These days I don’t have a favorite book.
These days the library borrows stale roaches.
These days you couldn’t find a window
to climb through
These days I’ve lost the panorama
feel like dog eyes
looking to please

“Yet just the other day, I was
making pink chalk dusty castles after
the fire drill & breathing
only for a bike.

“And so
(in closing),
dear mother,
always yours,
my letter ends
with an ever increasing smile.”

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