Today on Fuesch Bitches About Her Favorite Band: Simulation Theory

Nov 09, 2018 21:16

I'm lazy, so here's copypasta from my Twitter:

Algorithm: Starts promising, but then the singing starts. Goddammit, Matt, just stop already with that icky style! The piano and string bits are too beautiful to be wasted on such a song. And will really everything on this album be so slow and boring?!

The Dark Side: So far the unworst song I've heard from this album, yet still not good enough to be called okay. Has potential, but also icky singing, the fucking Queen guitar, is frustratingly slow and boring.

Pressure: Icky singing. The "Don't push me" melody sounds extra dumb. The staccato singing is driving me nuts.

Propaganda: Well, that one's off to a shitty start. Dear god, is Matt trying to be Prince?! JFC, is all the guitar we'll get on this album only to be found in solos?

Break It to Me: ô_o. Wow, there's fast singing for a bit. The rest is slow again. And boring. Ugh, Muse, why so repetitive recently?!

Something Human: Wow, after those songs I'm actually somewhat appreciating SH with its flowing notes. Still icky singing though and not that interesting. Maybe I'll award this one Unworst Song of the Album instead.

Thought Contagion: Ugh, be over already. Icky singing, repetitive, slooow.

Get Up and Fight: Beginning sounds familiar, where did they steal that? Wow, the chorus sounds rather decent!

Blockades: Sounded good until the singing started. Why everything on this album so musically messy? The part where the guitar did the synth melody was ace though.

Dig Down: Booooring! The slowness is driving me nuts. But at least here we have a musically coherent song (except for the random-ass Queen guitar).

The Void: Started out promising, but the fucking singing style, argh! Shit, I'd make a joke about "wrong", if I could remember how that bit from a Resistance song goes. So fucking slooooow.

I totally didn't click on a Metric video before continuing with Muse. Mmm, coherent music!

Algorithm (Alternate Reality Version): Sounds... so-so. Can't tell if better or worse than the original, b/c I've already forgotten what that sounds like. Getting bored now. ... I compared: orignal has advantage of the intro, the alt version has sth less icky & more epic though.

The Dark Side (Alternate Reality Version): Why change instruments but not rerecord the singing?! In Matt's original singing style this would be a properly decent song.

Pressure (Ft. UCLA Bruin Marching Band): Doesn't make it any better. Have I mentioned that the staccato singing makes me want to hurt someone?!

Propaganda (Acoustic Version): I appreciate the acoustic guitar, but that's it.

Break It To Me (Sam De Jong Remix): ಠ_ಠ Seriously, just rerecord the lyrics! The remix sounds less messy at least... I think. Don't make me go back and check.

Something Human (Acoustic Version): Apart from the singing (srsly, make it stop) it's decent!

Dig Down (Acoustic Gospel Version): Acoustic guitar and pianoooo, it's so beautiful! The rest is actually good enough to make me less annoyed with Matt's singing.

I... I think I actually like a song from this album! :O

The Void (Acoustic): I can't take any more slowness. The piano sounds good, though there are a few notes that sound out of place.

Now where's the video of The Dark Side's Alternate Reality Instrumental?
Edited one day later to add:

The Dark Side (Alternate Reality Version Instrumental): With a different guitar tone this piece might be perfect.

On the .mu board reviews are largely positive, so I thought maybe after getting over yesterday's disappointment I'd hear what others are hearing.

Yeah, no.

What drew me to Muse were the flowing melodies. This album's lack of them is probably the biggest problem I have with it.

topics|bands|muse, language|english, here be|reviews

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