Loki 1x02 The Variant

Jun 17, 2021 18:43

I'm so confused. Hunter C-20 looks so familiar, but I've checked her IMDb and I haven't watched anything listed there.

Okay, the song is great, but it doesn't fit the scene. The latter is too slow. Or maybe the song just wanted to tell us that this Loki is actually the hero. Which wouldn't surprise me, since the TVA is bad and this Loki is fucking with them.

Ooh, once a branch reaches the Redline, it can't be reset. Would it really lead to the destruction of the timeline, though? So far I don't believe it, the TVA probably just doesn't want any alternate realities to develope.
Loki is interacting with Miss Minutes! Ha, I was wondering if she's real and we get the answer that she's indeed sort of alive. So that's why the elevator has a button to a Miss-Minutes-floor.

Why would a Loki compete in the Tour de France?! He only won because he cheated, right? Speaking of people with powers participating in famous sports events in an aborted timeline: apparently Peter Maximoff would have run at the Olympics, if the X-Men hadn't changed the future in Days of Future Past. I like to believe that it's not a coincident that the show that introduces the multiverse makes what appears to be a reference to Peter.
Now I'm confused. If every universe is forced to follow the same events, how can there be so many variations of Loki? Shouldn't the differences only be small, because everytime something happens that's not supposed to, the TVA resets and therefore differences can't grow and cascade?
OMG, Loki explaining his powers. I imagine that's what Tom Hiddleston's symposium was like. "Professor Loki" XD

Ah, the topic of possibly betraying the TVA comes up. My god, this show is good. Far too often characters don't talk about issues that should really be addressed. Not only was Loki smart in bringing it up, so was Mobius in his answer. While I don't think that it should be so hard to escape from TVA agents (if our Loki just joins the one who's managed to evade the organazation all this time), I do agree that Loki would want to see the Time-Keepers. And he confirms it right away.

Ha, Loki calls the TVA's info "propaganda". So we agree, high five!
So the reset charges do disintegrate everything near. I don't understand how the timeline is supposed to heal from that. If there's someone important to the Sacred Timeline in that radius, it would fuck up that timeline! So I'm thinking what's pruned is the whole branch. From the term "reset" I had assumed that the branch is just rewound to right before the Nexus Event and then left to continue as mandated by the Time-Keepers. I'm not sure if there's something I can't think of right now that doesn't make sense about it or if I'm just emotionally/morally opposed to the version of reset. So far I prefer the time mechanisms we've learned in 1x01, I could make sense of those. What we're learning from 1x02 isn't enough on its own for me to make sense of it.

Mmm, detective!Loki. Though so far I don't like that he's working against his other self.
Pfft, Loki is suddenly having a high opinion of himself again. But what is this really about? Does he really think he's the superior Loki? Does he want to make the TVA value him? Is he just trying to make himself feel better?
Wow, how does this episode bring up so many things I wondered about? Loki mentions joining forces with his other self, although he says the purpose would be to rule the TVA. Is he just setting the TVA on the wrong track there or does he really not yet intend to destroy the agency?
And another thing brought up that other shows would have left unmentioned until the end: Loki wants to be assured that he won't be disintegrated once his job is done.
My god, it feels good to find out that Loki was at least somewhat playing the TVA here!

"Look, I know you have a soft spot for broken things." Aw, Mobius just wants to fix Loki. You old fanboy!

Is the Ragnarok file of a variant event or was the Ragnarok movie set after the destruction of the TVA and things (except for the Asgard survivor count) in the MCU just coincidentally happened to play out according to the Sacred Timeline? Because the file says "Entire Civilization Annihilated". And were those who escaped on the ship included in the count or did no one even escape in this version of the event?

17 minutes for lunch - is that better or worse than what Amazon workers get?
Ahaha, Loki ruining Mobius's salad. I mean, I'm really sorry for Mobius and wasting food sucks, but still.
Hiding in apocalypses, smart! Constant talking about apocalypses while I'm desperately waiting for the character who had the best scene in X-Men: Apocalypse to return, evil!

"Be free, my horned frends! Be free!" ♥
And then he speaks Latin, nice!
That pyroclastic cloud is getting too close for comfort! JFC, Loki & Mobius, you don't wait that long!

Ugh, now I want to see Mobius on a jet ski. Hasn't he learned anything? If he wants to ride a jet ski without creating a Nexus Event, just do it right before a major disaster!
Why are the Time-Keepers repeatedly referred to as lizards? Is there some joke I'm missing or are they really - despite the statues - lizards?
I like Loki & Mobius discussing what makes sense and what doesn't.
"Existence is chaos" says Mobius, whose job is to keep the timeline neat! This makes me feel validated in my theory that Mobius was trying to manipulate Loki into destroying the TVA to let the chaos of normal existence reign. Yeah, I'm ignoring the rest of his speech, because he might just say that because it looks like Loki seems to be cool with the TVA and its mission at the moment.
Funny, I really didn't expect to join a new Team Free Will less than a year after Supernatural ended.
"No one bad is ever truly bad, and no one truly good is every truly good." Well yeah, TVA employees work for a bad organization, but a lot of them (like Mobius) seem like good people. But are the Time-Keepers also not all bad? Or is this a meta comment about The Variant? That she seems to be a baddie, but her goal is a good one?

"Do you have candy on Asgard?" - "Grapes, nuts." - "No wonder you're so bitter!" Haaarsh! XD

Wow, The Variant can possess people. Our 2 Lokis finally meet! I love it so much that they're grinning The Grin at each other (and that one of them does it in the body of B-15 of all people)!

When it cuts away from them, I thought "Ooh, what if they're hatching a plot?", but then we cut back to them and we actually get to see them do that! Or at least our Loki is trying. I can understand that The Variant isn't interested in ruling the TVA, but why not recruit our Loki to destroy it?

What was real? Dammit, tell me what C-20 saw!
Oooh, The Variant knows where the Time-Keepers are!

It's really unhelpful of The Variant to not let Loki in on the plan. Why would she do that? For the same reason she didn't say her name? Is she worried that Loki really is working for the TVA? But if so, wouldn't that be solved by just explaining the good that will come out of it?

Haha, the first reset charge we see in this store is placed next to an item called Chargeplay.
Hahaha, The Variant punches a TV screen that makes the sound of glass breaking, although that type has no glass.
Prop fight, wooo! Hey, would you say that Loki's choice of weapon...
( •_•)>⌐■-■

Lady Loki! That was such a rollercoaster ride! Because at first I thought this was a Loki Variant, as was implied at every step. So that was good. What was bad was that I didn't expect a blonde (not just because Lady Loki should have black hair), that she didn't like to be called Loki, our Loki using the word enchantment to describe her possession powers and that our Loki said he would never treat himself like that. Then came the info from the Spanish dub that she's credited as Sylvie, and from fans with with comics knowledge that Sylvie Lushton the Enchantress is blond and just a human who got powers from Loki. Her wiki page links to the town she's from, which has a connection to Roxxon. So that connection to this show's Roxxcart cemented it for me (because I didn't take into account that changing from comic to movie/TV show the nature of Loki's relationship to a characters was such a thing), I really thought we're dealing with this Earth woman and was disappointed that our "villain" wasn't a Loki, that we hadn't seen a female version of Loki (and never might) and that it wasn't a Loki who seemed to start the multiverse at the end of the episode. But then this page at 18:23 (the very first page we see when Loki starts reading files) came to the rescue:

Her last name is Laufeydottir! So all the previous info about this being a Loki version was right after all! My god, the relief!

So many reset charges! Holy shit, how much do I love it that we're not meeting Sylvie early in her plan but right at the end of it?!
Didn't expect the image of the many timeline branches to be from ep 2 already! I'm thinking there's a chance that the TVA will be able to get to all the branches before they reach the Redline, but maybe, hopefully they don't have enough teams left and Sylvie frees the multiverse.

Yessss, Loki follows Sylvie!

I wonder if the credits music will change every ep.

language|english, topics|tv & such|marvel, here be|reviews

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