Today me and my sister went out to the store.We ate and played video games.We also went to the park and played tag it's a game.At night we stoped bye McyD.At last we went home and went to bed.The End. Ha,Ha,Ha
Today we did nothing.It was so bording.I hate today.Where just sitting at home.It was asltly stupid.I was just watching t.v. and eating dinner.I hate it.I really do.
Yestday we ate your dinner.After that we got movies.Before we watched the movie we made ricecrispy treats.When the ricecrispy treats were done we watched the movie and ate ricecripy treats.
Yesterday we went to the mall.We had so much fun!We all had a sandwich at the fruity cafe.The mall is called the Hip Mall.After that we played some games.Finly we went to Hot Toci.Then we went to the doller store.I got fake toys and candy stiks.Then we went home.Thats why it was fun.