A few days after RWBY's secret mission. Cardin approached his usual prey Velvet,
[Fufu]: NOPE! *needle scratch* That is a pretty sick line, even if it would be accurate with regards to Cardin’s behaviour and how he treats Velvet. However Velvet shouldn’t be here. I do believe that at this point, or at least by the point in time that this little section has been shoved in, she was off with Team CFVY on their assignment. So Cardin must be hallucinating a Velvet then.
[Kirby]: Ya, the time between episodes is pretty vague, but unless Team CFVY’s mission was only supposed to last a few hours, I don’t think they could be in the school right now, go do their mission, and then still get back to Beacon in time to finish planning the dance (had they arrived on time).
but was pulled away from that by giggling coming from his left, he looked and saw that Faunus brat AJ, and Blake Belladonna, just walking together, holding hands and laughing.
[Fufu]: I would legit be fine with Cardin shoving AJ into one of those rocket lockers right now, as long as he sends him far away. And then maybe Blake will snap out of this sappy behaviour and realise her entire personality has been twisted beyond recognition.
[Kirby]: We’re in such a bad place that we’re rooting for Cardin. This is what this fanfic has come to people; we’re rooting for the racist bully.
[Fufu]: Let’s be fair here, for all Cardin is currently a two-dimensional character created to showcase that Faunism is still alive and thriving in even a modern generation, if he were to be fleshed out more by the crew, chances are he would still have some decent qualities. So he’s still be a better character than AJ is.
[Kirby]: I do have a lot of headcanons for Team CRDL actually. I wouldn’t mind seeing them fleshed out in the future (hopefully in a positive way).
AJ and Blake saw Cardin walking up to them and they both stopped laughing to glare at him.
"What do you want Cardin?" AJ growled.
"I can't take it anymore! How can you be going out with an animal like him!?" Cardin asked Blake.
"Oh! I see you're still the embodiment of open minded." AJ said smiling sarcastically. He walked forward slightly hoping the motion would get Blake to follow but she held strong. AJ looked at her for a moment with a raised brow and then went wide eyed. "Blake! You don't need to do that! We can just go!"
[Kirby]: AJ: “Fuck Velvet! I didn’t buy you those expensive toys to not see you use them! Now get into the damn room Ana- I mean Blake.”
[Fufu]: She literally gave no indication of what she was going to do. You have literally just pulled a freaking Edward Cullen and read her mind or some shit. That or the author just wanted to get to wanking over this upcoming section, so forgot to feature any hints.
"No, we've been a couple for a month or two. I'm surprised you never asked me to do this." Blake said.
[Fufu]: *skims ahead* So am I! It sounds like the sort of thing he’d do too. With his whole “Be proud of your heritage” bullshit.
"Because I wasn't gonna make you do that!" AJ argued.
[Fufu]: AJ: “I thought we were gonna work up to that. But if you’re ready to just go straight for it…”
Blake wasn't gonna have it though.
Blake took off her bow.
[Fufu]: Yep. This is happening. Blake has just removed her bow in the middle of a crowded cafeteria in front of a known Faunist because...she’s a strong independant woman? Her man is giving her strength right now?
Team RWBY and JNRP's table went silent, so did Cardin. Cardin soon grew angry and walked away.
[Kirby]: Uhhhh. So you’re not even gonna have Cardin give her a hard time?
[Fufu]: Yeah, he would rip right into her right now. Even if it was just childish insults like calling her a freak or a filthy animal or even just him spluttering from lack of words, he would freak out the minute there was a hint of fur.
[Kirby]: It’s so weird to me that author didn’t give AJ the excuse to beat up Cardin. One insult to Blake and even I’d probably be on board the S.S. Break His Legs.
[Fufu]: And as a weird aside, when I first skimmed over this chapter and I reached this section, I thought we were in a corridor at first and it was just Cardin, Velvet and our “sweethearts”. So when I saw mention of RWBY and JNPR’s tables, I was like “When did they get here and why do they have tables?”
Blake started walking while still holding AJ's hand so AJ went with her to team RWBY's dorm.
"Why did you do that? All because of Cardin?" AJ asked her as they were both sitting on her bed.
[Fufu]: Bow-chicka-bow-wow.
[Kirby]: Hey-chicka-bump-bump.
"No, while I was in that White Fang rally I realized I was never going back there, because I have you, and everyone else here. I don't care if everyone here knows because my friends already know and that's what matters. You guys will protect me from the attention I get by showing my heritage. I really should have done this when you had as well but I was just so scared." Blake said and she rested her head on his chest and hugged him.
[Fufu]: As she should be, considering Faunus still aren’t completely seen as equals. Not to mention that she said it herself, she wants people to see her and not her heritage, because they would otherwise just jump instantly to all sorts of conclusions and assumptions. Also, are we not going to get the big blow up of Blake losing sleep worrying about the White Fang’s next move???
[Kirby]: Sort of, you’re getting ahead again.
AJ sighed. "While I am surprised and I bit annoyed that you did that when you did it.
[Fufu]: He’s annoyed? Okay, I’m completely against Blake taking off the bow considering fucking everything about her character, but I’m gonna actually stick up for fic!Blake here and say that what she did was very brave and probably did take a lot of guts for just one action. And besides, she’s also doing as you preach. She’s going to be more open about her heritage, and while it was stupid to do it in front of Cardin, it was also her telling him that she’s not afraid of him. And yet you’re annoyed by this?
I am glad that you finally are showing it. Like I said, I was never gonna tell you to do this,
[Kirby]: Unless it was earlier in the story, when he all but forced her to tell the others.
I figured you would choose your own time, and, well… you did!" AJ said laughing a little while petting her.
The rest of RWBY barged in. "Are you ok? What happened? Why did you do that?" They asked.
[Kirby]: All of them? At the same time?
[Fufu]: They sound very bored about this. You’d think they’d be frantic or panicked while asking these questions since their friend just did an amazing thing.
"I'm fine. I just got tired of hiding." Blake said moving her head to AJ's shoulder so she could look at them. They all smiled, at the sight of the couple, but mostly because of Blake's decision to stop hiding.
[Kirby]: I can think of one member of Team RWBY who should be worried about the whole school knowing about Blake.
[Fufu]: Because what if word gets around and leaks out into the city and spreads further and reaches a certain father that his daughter is allied with a Faunus?
[Kirby]: Now there’s a fun fanfic idea. Someone take that and roll with it, the more terrifying the better.
Going through classes the next day showed that if anyone actually had a problem with Faunus, only Cardin and his team ever showed it. The biggest change in Blake's life that she thought would never happen, and yet it had happened.
[Fufu]: Yes, this is all very touching and sappy, but it’s too soon. This is still only Volume 2, and I don’t know about anyone else here, but I don’t think there’s been enough progress made - with the White Fang and their plans or with Blake’s character development - for us to be at this stage. In fact, I bet that if and/or when we reach this point in the show, it will be all the more sweet and sappy and satisfying cause we’d have worked toward it, much in the same vein as Arkos when it inevitably becomes canon.
She stopped hiding, she could never thank her friends enough for that.
[Kirby]: ...Until about a month later when a man with a very familiar snowflake logo emblazoned on his jacket walked up to the gates of Beacon. Just behind him marched several of the newest model androids in strict linear formation. The man walked directly to the elevator, ignoring the students who watched the procession, some hiding faunus traits in fearful recognition, others with just wide eyes, one in particular suddenly vanished in a flurry of rose petals. He entered the elevator along with a pair of androids, leaving the rest to stand guard, and pushed the button for the headmaster’s office.
[Kirby]: Anyone? Eh?
[Fufu]: Looks like you’ve already made a start on such a fic.
[Kirby]: Yes, now someone else finish it! I want to see Papa Schnee headcanons folks!
[Fufu]: Lazy shit. :p
[Kirby]: I already know my own headcanons. For Weiss’ sake I hope they’re not accurate. ;p
Next week, Tuesday. Glynda's class.
[Fufu]: This prose. These time transitions. Stilted.
Pyrrha beats Cardin's team in a 1v4 without ever being hit once. GG.
[Fufu]: And that’s all she gets. One line saying, “She did a cool thing.” And then just G-fucking-G. Wow. You really don’t seem to like Pyrrha, do you author? Or at least, you don’t like what she’s capable of. I bet if it weren’t for the shipping stuff plus the fact that AJ would be busy elsewhere, you’d have Jaune be tutored by AJ in how to fight, cause clearly he’s better than Pyrrha.
[Kirby]: I don’t know what GG means.
[Fufu]: Good game. Generally used if someone played...well, a good game, like in PvP games. But here, its kind of insulting considering this was more than just a “good game”. Pyrrha just fought Team CRDL on her own and kicked utter ass. Then again, we’ve already seen this I suppose; AJ going up against JNPR on his own in the food fight. So no wonder this is given such a lacklustre response. It’s basically the author going, “Eh, been there, done that, this is boring now.”
"Well done Miss Nikos! You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament!" Glynda said.
"Thank you professor." Pyrrha said.
"Now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match. Miss Belladonna." Glynda said. Blake's head shot up and she closed the book she was reading. "You've been rather docile these past few days." 'I noticed.' AJ thought looking at Blake closely.
[Fufu]: ...so...she is losing sleep. She is focused on and worried about the White Fang. So...why did we have the above scene with her taking off the bow? I know a week has passed, but still, Blake was worried as soon as they realised what the White Fang were planning. She’s not gonna be hella chill for a couple days then suddenly have it hit her like a ton of bricks so she can start worrying. So the bow scene doesn’t fit and just fucks up the timeline and the character development. But again, what else is new?
"Why don't you-"
"I'll do it!" A student called out.
[Fufu]: What, no description of the mysterious student? It’s Mercury by the way, but AJ hasn’t met him yet in the fic. So once again, this is a chance to give Mercury a quick introduction, appearance description and any other tiny tidbits that AJ knows and could inform us of, like what school Mercury is “from”.
"Mercury, is it? Very well. Let's find you an opponent." Glynda said.
"Actually. I wanna fight… her!" Mercury said pointing at Pyrrha.
"I'm afraid Miss Nikos has just finished a match. I recommend choosing another partner." Glynda said.
"No it's fine! I'd be happy oblige!" Pyrrha said looking up into the stands at Mercury.
[Kirby]: Why did the author transcribe this scene word for word? AJ had nothing to do with it, and he just summarizes the following fight, so why bother?
[Fufu]: Because reasons, dammit.
Nothing much of a fight, a few blows were exchanged, he disarmed Pyrrha, then forfeited soon after. Pyrrha was less than happy about it but there was nothing she could do about it.
[Fufu]: And once again, Pyrrha’s fight scene is completely skipped. Jesus christ, the author is pretty much admitting that if it doesn’t contain AJ then he ain’t bothering. That is just shitty writing to the nth degree.
"That is all for today!" Glynda said as the bell rang. Blake shot up again like she had just fallen asleep. "Remember, the dance is this weekend, but your first mission is on Monday, and we will not except ([Kirby]: “accept”) any excuses!" Glynda said to all as they left.
[Fufu]: Y’know, if you’re just gonna skip Pyrrha’s fight scenes - which were the entire point of this entire scene - then this was effectively pointless. It just takes up space.
"YOU WHAT!?" Blake asked, sitting in her bed along with Yang on her right and AJ on her left, Ruby and Weiss sat across from them on Weiss's bed.
"We want you to go to the dance." Ruby answered.
"Why?" Blake asked.
"Because we're worried about you." Yang said. "This investigation is starting to mess with your head!"
[Fufu]: Even though we haven’t seen evidence of this so far. So nice job telling us this, author, where the show, well, showed us.
"Were ([Kirby]: “We’re”) investigating as well. But we balance it with food, and homework, and most of all SLEEP! You aren't getting your beauty sleep and it kinda shows with the shadows under your eyes." AJ said, taking a hold of her left hand.
[Kirby]: And AJ just called Blake ugly. Prick.
[Fufu]: He really isn’t fussed about the White Fang is he? Considering they’re actually a pretty big problem. But nah, he’s just gonna be flippant about it like, “Blake, calm the fuck down, the White Fang ain’t gonna do shit, now get some sleep, you look nasty.”
"There is no time for rest and grades when peoples ([Kirby]: “people’s”) lives are at stake." Blake argued.
"We know that, and we're still trying to figure out what Torchwich is up too." Yang said.
"Thanks to you, AJ, and Sun, we know they are operating somewhere outside of Southeast Vale." Ruby said.
"And the Schnee company records singled out Vale as the primary target for Dust robberies over the past few months." Weiss said.
"Don't forget the missing military tech." Yang added.
"That still leaves unanswered questions." Blake said.
"Of course there are unanswered questions. That's why we keep looking for answers. But as Huntsman and Huntresses, we have to fight. Blake stand up." AJ ordered and Blake just looked at him. AJ stood up and let go of her hand, getting rid of the only comfort she had. "Stand. Up." Blake stood up.
[Kirby]: Hello again abusive AJ.
[Fufu]: AJ: “Look, it doesn’t matter if you’re tired and want to sit down and rest, you need to stand the fuck up!”
"Ruby, you as well. Now, push Ruby as hard as you can, right now." Blake shoved Ruby and she stumbled back. "Great! She moved a little! You wouldn't be able to move a White Fang grunt! Let alone a Grimm, or any real opponent!"
[Kirby]: ...Because Blake would totes shove Ruby as hard as she could unprovoked.
[Fufu]: What does this little experiment prove? “You need to get some sleep cause you can barely push this small 15 year old girl who is also your friend and I have given no context to the situation.” Blake would probably give a weak shove on purpose for exactly that; Ruby’s her friend and he hasn’t told her why he wants her to do this, so she wouldn’t want to hurt Ruby or push her right out the freaking window.
He set Blake back down and look ([Kirby]: “looked”) at her with concern before taking her hand again.
[Kirby]: Because AJ’s comfort is the only comfort Blake has and will ever have. Her other friends offer nothing.
"Please Blake, you have to slow down. I'm really worried about you. If you keep this up, you're only gonna get us hurt because you can't fight. You have to see that by doing this you only hurt yourself, you can barely stay awake and you can't fight." AJ hugged her tightly. "Please Blake, please, please just slow down. For yourself and for all of us." He said on the verge of tears. Blake looked at him and saw this and couldn't stand the sight of him crying and hugged him back as much as she could.
"Ok… Ok AJ… I'll slow down." Blake said quietly and AJ rubbed away his tears that were forming.
[Fufu]: ...So, it takes AJ giving her a little speech about how he cares about her and doesn’t want to see her run herself into the ground for her to change her mind? Even though her friends talk to her and tell her pretty much the same thing (Not word for word, but the same idea).
[Fufu]: It’s making Yang and Blake’s scene redundant, not that AJ is gonna be there to appreciate the complex backstory anyway.
[Kirby]: No, it’s worse. Author doesn’t acknowledge the backstory at all, this is it’s replacement.
[Fufu]: ...Oh you absolute shit licker, ProAJ. You take out Yang’s backstory, thus keeping her as a two-dimensional character in your fic, and replace it with this quim shit?
[Kirby]: THIS IS BEYOND INSULTING TO NOT ONLY YANG’S CHARACTER, BUT THE ENTIRE RWBY TEAM! The animation, Barb’s voice acting, and the script were fucking top notch in that scene, it’s one of the best moments in the show. AND YOU REPLACED IT WITH A FRIENDSHIP SPEECH THAT WOULD MAKE TEA GARDNER PUKE FROM HOW SHITTY IT IS!
[Fufu]: Not to mention - I love Yang dearly, she’s my favourite character, but something else has caught my attention - there is what I pointed out first. Blake’s friends are worried about her too. They care about her and right now, they see her running on sheer determination as she deprives herself of sleep cause she’s too worried about what could be happening soon. In fact, the only reason we see Yang’s backstory is cause Yang wants to tell it to Blake as an Aesop to not push yourself too hard in the pursuit of something, which Yang learned the hard way. She could’ve killed herself and Ruby.
[Fufu]: But instead, we have this. Its Blake’s man that tells her this instead, and that’s what snaps her out of it. He puts on some waterworks and says some generic shit about caring about her and not wanting her to hurt herself and that’s what gets through to Blake. ProAJ...no.
[Fufu]: I have said it before that I am a massive sucker for romance and I like sappy scenes between couples. In any other show or situation, I would appreciate a scene like this. Its the couple showing how much they care for each other and that they worry about each other. However this works best if the couple are a) alone with each other and not sitting in the room with their friends who have said the exact same thing to them both and b) if it wasn’t a replacement for an already decent scene. This is just disgusting otherwise.
"Thank you." AJ said quietly.
"Thank you, we couldn't have done that without you." Ruby said quietly.
[Fufu]: Or when it jizzes right in his eye.
The couple eventually calmed down after a quick kiss and looked back at them.
[Fufu]: Great. Now they’re PDA-ing right in front of their friends. Classy.
"The dance is gonna be fun anyway. We'll make sure of it!" Weiss said.
[Kirby]: And a one-eighty back to canon.
"Ya! We're planning the whole event!" Yang said.
"That's two contradicting types of fun planning an event. No way THAT could go wrong!" AJ said with a smile and one arm around Blake.
[Fufu]: Imma just repeat an insult I used in a previous chapter and say shove it up your urethra.
[Kirby]: It’ll work fine dumbass, they’ll keep each other in line. Yang’ll stop it from being too formal, and Weiss’ll keep it from being too crazy.
"Wait, why are you two planning it?" Blake asked resting her head on AJ's shoulder.
"Team Coffee's ([Kirby]: “CFVY’s”) mission lasted longer than excepted ([Kirby]: expected). So we were told to pick up where they left off." Weiss explained.
"And now we can make sure you two have the perfect night!" Yang said.
"Wait I never agreed to go to the dance, I just said I would slow down." Blake said.
"Ya and I am certainly not going to a dance. Can't dance. Won't dance. Despise dances. Hate public gatherings of any kind. Doesn't help that it's ballroom dancing." AJ said.
[Fufu]: And yet you’ll sing in front of a crowd to impress your woman. And I think we all know this is coming back to bite AJ and us in the asses.
[Kirby]: Be a man! Dance with your lady!
"Oh no, you two are going! You haven't gone on a single date yet!" Yang said.
"We don't want to go on a date! We are fine hanging out the way we do!" Blake said.
"Ya! We don't wanna go watch some movie or eat out somewhere,
[Kirby]: Blake: “Actually, there’s a nice place by-” AJ: “No, we don’t go anywhere.”
[Fufu]: Wow AJ, way to shove ideas on your relationship. “Nah, we ain’t gonna do that sappy shit that normal couples do, even though it’s perfectly okay if we do do them. Nope. That’s lame. we’re just gonna sit in our rooms and be sappy together.” Nevermind that Blake might want to actually do something like go see a movie or go out for dinner. Hell, let’s try something in-character; she might just want to go to a library and read books. But she’d feel comforted knowing her SO is there with her, and that would be enough. Just being together.
we're happy as we are." AJ said and Blake kissed him on the cheek with a "Love you too."
"Well this way you don't have to leave the school but you still do something different!" Weiss said.
"But we don't want to do anything different." AJ argued.
[Fufu]: But you are doing something different. I’m not saying that constantly going out on dates is the norm and that everyone should do it, but all they do is cling to each other a la Edward and Bella. It doesn’t make them some sort of rebel couple if they don’t do what other couples would!
"You. Are. Going." Yang said pointing at them.
[Kirby]: Mark this readers; This line isn’t canon.
"And then we can return to our search rested and ready." Weiss said.
[Kirby]: And this one is. See how much they don’t work together?
AJ decided to divert the conversation. "Speaking of rest, now that Blake agreed to not deny it she should probably go to sleep."
[Kirby]: Because AJ just solves ALL THE DAMN FUCKING PROBLEMS DOESN’T HE!?
"What? Hey don't you change the-" Weiss started.
"Goodnight." AJ said a bit rushed, after he stood up, to interrupt Ice Queen and leaned in for a goodnight kiss.
[Kirby]: Is AJ kissing Weiss?
[Fufu]: Certainly reads like that since the author fucked up the sentence.
"Goodnight." Blake said getting the message and tilted her head up to kiss him.
Yang waited till AJ was near the door. "You're still going to that dance." She said to Blake.
AJ almost opened the door when he heard knocking and opened the door.
[Fufu]: ...Ooooor; “A knock at the door stopped AJ in his tracks, and he opened it to find…”
He saw Jaune with a guitar and quickly closer ([Kirby]: “closed”) the door.
[Fufu]: Ass.
[Kirby]: To be fair, I’d probably do the same thing.
[Fufu]: ...Yeah, and were I being kind, I’d find this a little bit amusing, cause its sort of slapstick-like. But nope. AJ is just an ass.
"Who was it?" Ruby asked.
AJ turned around with a smile they expect to see on Yang. "It's for you Weiss." He said barely containing his laughter.
[Kirby]: Hey, you can’t be sure of that! Maybe he and Ruby are starting a band! Never considered that did ya?! ...Dammit, now I want that to be a thing.
Weiss opened the door, Blake looked from her bed, Yang and Ruby leaned over to see who was at the door, Weiss's shock comes as no surprise.
[Fufu]: That is mostly a laundry list of actions, and that final segment of the sentence should either be a sentence on its own or tacked on via a semi-colon.
"Weiss!~" Jaune sang while playing guitar. He stopped to wink and Weiss shut the door on him.
[Kirby]: *grinning* Jaune you stupid idiot, never change.
"I'm glad you didn't try to do that for me." Blake said with a sigh.
"God no I would never embarrass myself like that." AJ responded.
[Kirby]: You shut the fuck up! That was great!
[Fufu]: *headdesk*
"Well I think it was cute and romantic." Yang pointed out.
"Well I'm not romantic." AJ responded.
"Oh please, I've heard the things you say to Blake, like how beautiful her eyes are! Or how her hair flows in the wind!" Yang teased.
[Fufu]: Wow, so he’s studied Purple Prose 101. Not to mention that this is also out of character for AJ. His romantic side doesn’t fit in with the rest of him, and even then, spouting off lines like that doesn’t even fit what we’ve seen so far of his romantic personality.
"Different kind of romantic!" AJ argued while blushing.
"Come on! Open the door!" Jaune begged from behind the door and knocking. "I promise I won't sing."
Weiss sighed and opened the door.
"I LIIIIIEEEED!~" Jaune sang when the door opened and AJ bust up laughing. "Weiss Schnee. Will you accompany me, To the dance OOOOOONNNN… Sundaaaaaay?~" Jaune asked.
[Kirby]: *Rolling on the floor clutching her sides in laughter* Okay, not even this author can ruin this for me. I can still hear him singing it in my head~
[Fufu]: Jaune you hopeless dork. :’’D Fighto~
[Kirby]: What’s really funny is that he almost forgot what day the dance was on. XD
"Are you done?" Weiss asked.
"Yes?" Jaune said hesitantly.
"No." Weiss said coldly and closed the door again. "What?" Weiss asked Ruby and Yang.
"And that, is why they call you the Ice Queen." Yang said. Meanwhile Ruby stopped to look at how her sis was leaning like she was. She saw how Yang was doing it an ([Kirby]: “and”) compared it to how she was leaning and realized she was doing it wrong before falling. It was like a cartoon character walking on air then realizing they can't walk on air.
[Fufu]: You’ve got yourself another cheap lampshade there, ProAJ. Not to mention that this coming right the fuck out of nowhere, this “detailed” description of Ruby’s actions just slows this scene right the fuck down so we can have some komedee. Because lol, she couldn’t do it. Laugh.
AJ finally stopped laughing when he saw Ruby fall and then laughed a bit more.
"All my life boys have only cared about the perks of my last name.
[Fufu]: Unfortunately, sweetheart, that is a very true statement. And I’m not talking about Jaune here.
Besides, I already have a date in mind." Weiss said.
"Alright. Again. Leaving. Goodnight." AJ said and kissed Blake goodnight again before leaving.
[Note from Fufu]: And that is where chapter 10 shall leave off this week. Join us next week for the...um..."thrilling" end?