"Did I mention I despise suits?" AJ asked Ruby as they walked towards the ballroom where Blake was waiting for them. AJ picked a simple black suit like most other guys there.
[Kirby]: I’ve always wanted to try to wear a suit, I don’t think any of them would fit me though, being a puffball and all.
"Yes, many times." Ruby said.
[Fufu]: Ruby: “Quit complaining, Sun- I mean...huh?”
They finally got to the door to the ballroom and AJ froze at the sight of Blake in the purple dress she wore.
"Hey, Remnant to AJ." Ruby said waving her hand in front of him and he finally blinked.
Blake giggled and walked up to AJ and kissed him before grabbing his hand. "I know, I'm beautiful. You look good too, should wear a suit more often." Blake said.
[Kirby]: Poor Blake, I think she’s been lobotomized.
[Fufu]: Or maybe she’s drunk again. Or maybe the author himself was when he wrote that. Either way, nothing about that sentence made any fucking sense.
"I'll wear the school uniform then if you wish. Still hate suits." AJ said that last part to himself.
"Still don't know why Ozpin lets you get away with not wearing the uniform."
[Kirby]: AJ traded him some weed.
[Fufu]: Gotta stay the teach’s fave somehow.
Blake said. They opened the door and saw Yang behind a pedestal with a list of people.
"Hey! The couple's here! Looking good you two!" Yang said as they walked in. They went and moved through the crowds till they were near the DJ's and sat down at two of the chairs along the wall and held hands as usual.
[Fufu]: Good god, they really are the overly clingy kind aren’t they? You’d think Blake would at some point ask him to let go so she can check there’s still some feeling in her hand.
"Oh you look beautiful!" Yang's voice was heard all the way from where they were at. She must have seen Ruby finally come in.
[Kirby]: Fun fact, Barbara (voice of Yang) did the mo-cap for both Yang’s squee, and Ruby trying to walk in heels. Also, Neptune’s dancing.
"I feel bad now not dancing with you." AJ said sadly.
[Fufu]: And suddenly he changes his fucking mind?! And this is some poor placement. Slotting it in here just makes me wonder what made him change his mind the first place. You know, I’m convinced now that the author just adds in some canon lines so we know where to line up the episodes which are obviously playing alongside the reading of this fic.
"No, I promise you I'm ok with it. I know how to dance somewhat but this isn't really the time to teach you now is it?" Blake said.
[Kirby]: This is a perfectly acceptable time to learn! Especially considering most pairs were just slow dancing! It’s literally just swaying to the music!
AJ looked around and saw Ruby and Jaune near the punch bowl and there were actually quite a few others throughout the place that weren't dancing which made him feel a little better. "Ya… I just never learned how to dance, never tried to learn how."
[Fufu]: Cause you’re an anti-social twit that resigned himself to his room. I know that probably sounds especially bitter but really, he’s getting hung up over this when he never wanted to go in the first place. Not to mention that they don’t have to do a specific kind of dance; they could always just stand together and sway. That counts! I’ve been to parties where that happens dammit!
"You didn't have any dances at the school you went too?" Blake asked.
"Oh we did. I never bothered going to any of them. Someone once asked me what I would do if someone actually asked me to the dance, I said I would politely decline saying I needed to catch up on homework, which frankly, I did." AJ explained.
[Kirby]: I mostly didn’t go because the entry fees were too high. I ain’t spending seventy bucks to listen to loud music and watch teenagers snog in a hot stinky room.
"Why would a girl ask a guy to the dance? Isn't it usually guys that ask?" Blake asked.
"The school has this tradition where they have a dance that is specifically meant for the girls to ask the guys. Odd tradition really." AJ said.
[Fufu]: Actually, AJ and author, there is a reason why there would be such a thing as a girls’ choice dance. More specifically its called the Sadie Hawkins Dance (Named after a comic book character and inspired more specifically by an event made up for the comic where women would marry up any spare bachelor in a show of gender role reversal for one day), and given that the norm, as you said, is that guys ask girls out, it was a chance to let the ladies ask for themselves. This is a North American tradition. I’m Scottish. We don’t do this sort of thing over here. I looked this shit up in like, two seconds.
"That sounds interesting. You read all those stories about how hard it can be for a guy to ask a girl to the dance, yet at your school the girls had to go through it." Blake said. They sat there for a few quiet minutes. "What school did you go too?" Blake asked wanting to break the silence.
AJ panicked for a moment. "Uh… I don't remember anymore. Frankly I tried to forget about that place." He came up with quickly.
"That bad huh?" Blake asked.
"Not really. Some of the teachers were really cool people, the students never change though."
[Kirby]: Untrue, the students change every year.
[Fufu]: Truly they were all nothing more than bitches and bastards.
AJ explained. "I'll be right back, gonna get some punch." He said and left.
He eventually came back and handed her a glass before sitting down again. "Here's to the punch not being bad."
[Fufu]: That was quick! And again - I know people probably hate me saying this - this is more Twilight; it reminds me of Edward in New Moon going to fetch Bella a glass of water and some pills. He leaves the room, and then before the door is even closed, he’s back with a full glass and some pills. It sounds almost like one of those “How did he do it?” conundrums.
[Kirby]: It’s weird to me that he says that AJ “eventually” came back. Like, how long does it take to get punch?
[Fufu]: Well, first he’d have to find the table with the punch bowl and he’d have to navigate around the crowd of dancers to get to it. But seriously, that is a shit time transition. I legit only saw those two sentences, and I missed the “eventually” at first. So I thought he left then came back in a legit second. But even with the “eventually” factored in, the fact that it’s still only two lines doesn’t leave much to imagination, and I’m still thinking that he poofed away then poofed back.
He said raising his glass. Blake laughed a bit and raised her glass as well. "Huh, not actually that bad." He looked at her and saw a less than satisfied face. "That bad huh?" he said smiling.
[Kirby]: This is supposed to funny, yes?
[Fufu]: I’m sure Yang and Weiss appreciate it. Even if they didn’t make it themselves, they still would’ve made sure everything was perfect for the sake of the dance.
[Kirby]: Maybe AJ spat in it.
[Fufu]: Or he spiked it.
"Ya, ya it kinda is." Blake said simply and set her drink down.
AJ saw Yang and Ruby on the level above them on the other side of the ballroom and waved at them, they both waved back before going back to talking. AJ looked down and saw Sun walking over to them.
"Hey, how you love birds doin'?" Sun asked smiling.
"Surprisingly not that bad." AJ said and Blake nodded in agreement. "How are youthough? In an actual suit? It must be killing you." AJ said smiling at the misfortune written on Sun's face.
[Kirby]: Sun? In a suit? ...Okay, that’s a change I can get behind. That is a damn fine image.
[Fufu]: Yes please~.
"Ya, stupid neck trap is a pain in the neck." Sun said pulling on his tie.
"Did you actually go with anyone?" Blake asked.
"I mean, technically ya, but not a girl. I went with Neptune, since everyone else we knew was gonna be here anyway." Sun said pointing at Neptune who had walked over and sat next to Weiss.
[Fufu]: ...Author confirmed shipper of Sea Monkeys?
[Kirby]: Meh.
"Oh." AJ said and they all turned their heads to the laughing they heard. Jaune walked up to Pyrrha, in a dress…
[Kirby]: For the record, Jaune was the one wearing the dress. It was hilarious.
[Kirby]: So on the one hand, at least that scene is untainted. On the other, why involve AJ in the earlier “Fuck Pyrrha’s feelings” scene if he’s not going to participate in the resolution?
[Fufu]: And this actually relates back to the thing of, “What if your readers haven’t seen the show?” Why they’re reading RWBY fanfic if they haven’t watched the thing, I don’t know why, but it could happen. They’re gonna be thinking, “ooooookay then, that’s a thing. Why is that a thing?” This doesn’t help people who are coming in fucking blind!
"Ok, I guess I can add that to the list of things that made this worth it." AJ said out loud.
"How long was the list already?" Blake asked barely containing her laughter.
"Seeing you in that dress, seeing the look on your face when you drank the punch,
and now this." AJ said pointing at team JNPR which had all started dancing. "Oh hey, I remember seeing them practicing a dance! They really improved since last I saw." AJ said.
"Why don't you join them?" Ozpin asked appearing next to them.
[Kirby]: Like a character from Naruto.
Blake looked surprised and AJ just looked at him normally as if he hadn't just appeared.
"Can't dance, won't dance." AJ said simply.
"Hmm." Was Ozpin's response before walking away.
"What was that about?" Blake asked.
"Not sure, but I don't like the look of thought he had." AJ said looking at Ozpin as he walked away.
(I could have kept things simple, but I'm not)
[Kirby]: *Whistles “Ode to Joy” sarcastically*
[Fufu]: ...Did Ozpin have any “OMINOUS AIRS™” about him in the original? Not to mention that that inclusion from the author is pissing me off. ...Wait, “the look of thought”? What the fuck sort of bullshit phrasing is that?
[Kirby]: The word the author is looking for in “pensive”, or perhaps “plotting” or “sneaky”.
Getting towards the end of the dance and AJ noticed one of the DJ's motioning towards him.
[Kirby]: The DJs that look like Daft Punk? Ya, they were neat.
"Be right back." He said and he walked up to the DJ's while music was still playing. "What do you need?" AJ asked.
"You were randomly chosen to pick a song to play. Anything you want, if you want to that is. If you do, we'll listen to it first and make sure it's alright and if it is we'll play it." One DJ explained.
As randomly chosen as an Indian in an American airport. 'Damn it Ozpin, this is your doing isn't it? Well, I still don't have to dance I suppose.' "Fine, I have an idea." AJ said. He gave them the song and walked away while they listened to it and let other music play while they did.
"What was that about?" Blake asked as AJ sat back down.
"They said I was randomly chosen to pick a song. I gave them one. They're listening to it right now and if they deem it appropriate they'll play it." AJ explained.
[Fufu]: If they deem it appropriate? What, have you asked for fucking My Humps from Black Eyed Peas?
[Kirby]: I don’t understand that song.
"What did you suggest?" Blake asked curious.
"If they don't play it, I'll show it to you after this dance." AJ said with a smile.
A few minutes later and the music stopped which got everyone's attention.
"We have been given a song by one of you students, and we thought it was a bit much for ball dancing,
[Fufu]: Even though they don’t have to slow dance the entire time and they can have some more upbeat songs playing.
[Kirby]: Ya like
the song Team JNPR danced to. but you all kill monsters for a living! So this one goes out to all the couples out there in the crowd!" The DJ's said and started the song.
"Well I guess they're gonna play it." AJ said and got up smiling. Blake was surprised to see him start singing the song to her.
[Fufu]: You read that right folks! He won’t dance, but he’ll sing! On stage. In front of the entire school. Cause that’s such a massive difference!
[Fufu]: Now I’m gonna be honest here. I looked up the following song. As a slightly off topic aside, I regret to say that this is the second song the author here has introduced me to that I actually like. But to get back on topic, this song… doesn’t entiiiiirely work. Yes, its a love song, but it’s Nightcore. Hence, slightly sped up, not quite to chipmunk levels, but it means the music and the vocals are gonna be that little bit higher than the original version.
[Fufu]: AJ is 17 here. Which means them balls of his have well and truly dropped (We assume). It would also imply that his voice is deeper. If he’s singing a Nightcore version of the song, its not gonna work since he’d have to strain his voice to hit those higher notes. I’m not saying it's impossible for a guy who’s well trained. But AJ...well, I said it right there. Male singers obviously sing as a career, so they have the training. AJ plays games and, as of appearing in Remnant, fights. And if he doesn’t dance, then what are the odds that he would be able to sing like a professional. For all this is a heartfelt gift to his girlfriend, he’s gonna kill his throat doing this. Not to mention that, at least in my own personal opinion, this type of song would work best with a live band, which I don’t think the school has. So yah. This is fail.
Nightcore version of "Angel with A Shotgun"
AJ stopped singing and looked at her smiling. Blake was in tears as she hugged and kissed him deeply.
[Fufu]: Oh yeah, like Blake would be the type to just get teary eyed over being serenaded. Ah, but I forget that this is fic!Blake.
"Wow, AJ really knows how to make a girl feel special!" Yang said as she looked at her Scroll. She had recorded the whole thing.
[Kirby]: It’s going straight onto Youtube!
[Fufu]: Yeah, hope AJ enjoys the thought of millions of people watching him warble awkwardly on stage!
'Didn't think they could bond anymore than they already have. Guess my persistence paid off.' Yang thought.
[Fufu]: You were being pushy! That ain’t nice!
"That was beautiful!" Blake said when they finally sat down.
"Thanks, so are you." AJ said smiling and Blake giggled. "I heard that song and thought it fit my feelings for you perfectly."
[Fufu]: Even though this song has never been foreshadowed before. This would work better and come across as a lot more of a genuinely sweet thing if it’d been mentioned before. Even just say AJ hums it or what. It’d be awkward if you don’t say what the title is, but him humming something makes us cotton on that he likes a certain song or has it on his mind. Then, since we’re not stupid, by this point, we would’ve made the connection.
'And now I add that to the list as well.' They stared at each other happily for awhile until AJ felt that dark, evil energy again and saw two guards rush in and search for someone in the crowds. There was nothing they could do about it and AJ had to ignore them for now. (So that actually ended up being worth it, not sure why I was afraid to do it anymore)
[Fufu]: Maybe because we went away from what happened in canon - Cinder apparently uploading a virus in the system, Ruby catching her and trying to fight her only to then lose her and getting stuck with the police - to watch your silly romance. Its a bit too late to focus on this shit, author. You should’ve set all this up before they got together, then we would maybe believe there was something building here and then maybe we could - reluctantly - forgive the romantic inclusion. Or alternatively, keep your damn romance out of the fic and do it in a separate story?!