This is more for me than anyone else. But if you want to read about my academic goals, go right on ahead.
So I need to make a 3.0 to BUCOP. Last semester my gpa was a 2.98 b/c of the damn C+ I got in Econ. Otherwise it would have been a 3.2. I would have been ballin. This semester is kinda the same story. I have
Ethics: B...I can make this into an A. I know I can.
WR150: B...That is going to stay a B I know it.
Mktg: B+... I can get an A if I tried harder.
Math: C....because I bombed the 2nd midterm hardcore. I went from an A to C immediately. It suuuuuucked. I need to get an A on the final. And stop failing quizzes. I need to get at LEAST a B there.
I can get away with a C- in math, 2 A minuses, and B for WR150 I can get a B in that class. Or I can a C+ in math and all B+s. That's all I need. I can do it. I kinda need to for my own pride.