Title: And I'm Knee Deep In It
Rating/Warnings: T
Pairings: Mostly gen, with a bit of everything (Sheldon/Penny, Penny/Raj, and Sheldon/Amy).
Disclaimer: It's a rental.
Summary: An alternate take on the aftermath of the fourth season finale.
A/N: Super late
help_japan fill for the generous and far too patient
__hibiscus. She's mentioned that she likes a hint of Raj/
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Comments 38
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And, no! I've never seen an episode of Vampire Diaries, LOL. So that wasn't me. But I hope you enjoy my mix anyway! ;D
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And I THINK YOU TOTALLY DID. I think I even wrote most of one (before I switched laptops), but stopped because I had a question about where the plot was going. I think I tweeted you? Maybe? IT WAS SO LONG AGO, I MIGHT HAVE EMAILED/DM'D/PM'D BUT I CAN'T REMEMBER. To see what else you wanted or something? If you leave me an email, I don't think I published it. Or if I did, I was stupid and forgot to mention it was for you. (I can't remember what your prompt was, but I can probably check over my old emails and find out.) I am such shit at getting things done on time, but seriously I think I still owe you something so prompt away! LOL AT THE WHOLE AUCTION THING, THOUGH. I am horrible at getting anything done, I've got like three more to write for this one and I'm pretty sure I'm owed like a half dozen from a million different people. We all just get caught up in the heady buzz of donating to worthy causes, no one ever follows through. LOL FANDOM, YOU ARE SO GOOD AND SO FAILTASTIC AT THE SAME TIME. STORY OF MY LIFE.
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In fact, for my BBBB I'm going to give him a big chunk of plot and marry him off and give him a kid just because I love him so much, too. He is 150% dedicated to your awesomeness.
There were so many things in this that made my heart feel good: Leonard's realization of his recent douche-baggery, Raj's apology, Sheldon turning to the internet for answers to social situations. So much love! Also, as much as I enjoy reading Sheldon and Penny together together, I really like their dynamic as friends and enjoy them together as such. But what I love the most about this was how Sheldon didn't judge Penny or treat her any differently because of what happened. Oh Sheldon, ever the gentleman.
And the fanmix? ♥ ♥ ♥ I shall download it promptly and listen to it while reading this incredible fic. Again, thank you very much!
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If I wasn't already a fan of this trio, I think reading your story would have instantly made one.
But anyway, everybody was sooo in character and perfect and you got all their voices just right. Loved Sheldon on UrbanDictionary (very typical response, lol), and Raj's "message" to Penny. And Leonard bursting his little head off and telling Priya he wants to move to India is so spot on!. I usually read shippy fics for these two, but this hit all the right notes and left a sweet taste after ( ... )
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