Now onto Yaoi-con Pictures~!!!
First I'm going to start with my room mates and the wierd shit that went on in our room... xD
This is me in my Hidan cosplay.... I couldn't think of a pose so I just did that...xD
This is my "Otouto" aka Sasu-kitty/Sasuke-hime in her Kyle Broflovski cosplay from South Park (next year I will probably cosplay Kenny with her... :D )
This is her in her Ganguro attire :D
This is Ken/Calliope cosplaying as Seifer Almasy (<3 ) from Final Fanatasy 8 :D
This is a pic of her squall and my seifer figures getting it on...xD (seifers pointing at the camera and saying get outta his face :D )
Vincent and Squall in the epitome of a crossover (Vincent tops cuz he's older xD (waayy older))
This is bentou, our room bishie (im glad he didnt mind rooming with a bunch of cosplaying as Akito from Air Gear
this is him "dead to the world" or as some people like to call it.. asleep xD (srsly tho, that boy could SLEEP xD)
him as Ryuuichi Sakuma from Gravitation :D
him and Oni mid-whoreopoly...xD
Ken and Bentou chillin during the room party lol
ya know... he kinda looks like he fell asleep...xD
This is Yami molesting random ppl with her tentacles...xD
Keep yur tentacles to yurself Yami~!! XD
(I wish I had more pics of yew guys ;-; *emo tear* )
*sigh* well onto the other cosplayers (the ones i enjoyed the most anyway (espeeeeciaallllllllyyyy the grimmjow <3 :D xD )
Hiba ^^ (thanks for the room partyyyyyyyyyy :D it was fun, even tho i sucked at whoreopoly...xD )
random shuichi cosplayer xD
an AMAZINGLY hawt Axel <3 lol
Rikuuuuuuu :D
Briiiiiiidgeeeettttttttt!!!!!!!!!!! Everyones gay for bridget~ :D XD
so many Gokuderas in one place!~!!! I can die a happy girl...xD
This is the grimmjow I bid on.... :D (i still say the other one was better (<<<<33333)) alas I didn't win, but i DID get to stick money down his pants XD )(he was warm too... XD)
They should get nakedz and have lotsa Grimmjow seckz xD)
A picture of an Ulquiorra cosplayer at the bishie cafe (we ALLL know thats what you have under your coat Ulqui XD )
*DIES* FLEX THOSE MUSCLES GRIMMY!!!!!! <<<<<<<<<<<333333333333
*DIES SOME MORE!!!!!!!!* You know, these last two pics are like the HOTTEST PICS IVE EVER SEEN!!!!!!!! xD