this one is actually my submission for YUNJAEVERLASTING FF Project which is said will be given to Jaejoong himself~ i thought just have to write something and the first thing came up on my mind is... A DRABBLE. Well blame my limited time and energy =____= credit for my desk clock for snapping the idea right to my head in LAST MINUTES~
They met on a certain period of a never-ending cycle of time, drawn in each other as it joined a secret companion with the undeniable Fate, and embraced underneath its ticking arm. Time broke them apart, though it was nothing compared to the dangerous feeling they keep.
But time is eternal, time is forever.
It’s a perfect depiction of their prideful love when they finally meet again; hands intertwined, hearts wrap in familiar warmth as they blend together. How they wish the time would stop as the longing words slip out of the beautiful vocalist’s mouth:
“I miss you, Yunho…”