i love when people are bitches

Dec 07, 2004 18:09

ANONYMOUS COMMENT:"anonymous ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

Taken from the last post. jaridicamuya_87 December 8 2004, 03:37:08 UTC
Wow...what an impressive little outreach. Who would feel so strongly about this subject to try to intervene? You know, why would you post anonymously? People tend not to listen when someone doesn't have the backbone to show their own face. People tend to give more credit to command when there is a face behind it. Posting anonymously is the mark of a coward. People generally don't take commands seriously if they're coming from a coward. Your friend is feeling like shit...why not suck it up and show yourself and ask kindly instead of making this half-assed little gesture? What do you expect to accomplish. And if it makes Delanie feel like shit, why wouldn't she say something? Evidently she doesn't feel like shit enough to do something about it, just have one of her half-wit little friends do it. Pathetic.


farfrom_nowhere December 9 2004, 02:12:26 UTC
I am sure you think that was me. Which is bullshit. I don't know who said that or who WOULD say something like that. How dare you call me pathetic and accuse me of "sicking" my little "half-wit" friends on crystal. If i had a problem with crystal i'd tell her. I've always thought crystal and i were on good terms.


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