LOG: Oishi, Eiji, Tezuka

Jul 17, 2007 16:10

LOG: Oishi and Eiji spy on Tezuka. (After this convo.) Pure crack! Rated T for Tezuka. XD

Oishi: *is wearing all black and feeling ridiculous* Are you sure we have to wear all black?

Eiji: *is also wearing all black, but not feeling ridiculous at all* Yes, nya! Spies have to wear black!! *bounces*

Oishi: In broad daylight it just draws attention to us! *frowns*

Eiji: *scowls* It's the rules!!

Oishi: *standing on a street corner* *looks around at the traffic and people feeling self-conscious* People are going to think we're gang members or something.

Eiji: *shakes head* Gang members don't wear just black, silly! They wear bandanas to show which gangs they're in. Like Kaidoh! *pauses* ... *gasps!* Oishi, do you think Kaidoh's in a gang!?

Oishi: :O No. Of course he isn't! He just likes bandanas. *is picturing Kaidoh in a gang* O.O I haven't really talked to him since he tranfered to Hyotei! I hope he hasn't gotten into the wrong crowd. *gets worried for a moment* ... Wait. There's no gangs at Hyotei.

Eiji: How do you know, nya! *thinks is would be really cool if Kaidoh was in a gang* Maybe they just have.. you know, rich-people gangs.

Oishi: Kaidoh isn't that type of person! He wouldn't be involved in anything like that. *is sure now*

Eiji: :/ Probably not, nya. *shrugs* Oh, well. Hey, are we going or not! I thought you wanted to do this before it got dark outside, Oishi! *bounces towards the crosswalk, pulling Oishi with him*

Oishi: *allows himself to be pulled* I didn't really want to do this at all. *looks around for some escape* Oh, a shoe store. I've been meaning to buy new shoes. We should go there instead.

Eiji: Maybe later. *continues to drag the alien* Come on, Oishi, not much farther!!

Oishi: *stops moving* We shouldn't spy on people. It's not nice.

Eiji: *sighs loudly* But Oishi, you promised! *pouts*

Oishi: ...*looks at Eiji*...I guess I did promise.

Eiji: *the pout miraculously disappears* Hooray! *grabs Oishi again and bounces the rest of the way to their prey victim target's house*

Oishi: *spots Tezuka's house* *looks through the window quickly even though the curtain is closed over it* Okay. We spied. Time to go home now.

Eiji: DD: Oishi, you are NO FUN. *props hands on hips* We didn't even see him, nya! That doesn't count!!

Oishi: Sorry. *looks at the ground* What do we do now, then?

Eiji: We have to find a window without a curtain! *looks around* Here, you go that way and I'll go this way, and we'll meet on the other side of the house, okay?

Oishi: Alright. We could do this! *holds up hand for a high five*

Eiji: *WHOO GOLDEN PAIR HIGH FIVE* We will, nya!

Oishi: *WHOO* *smiles* *starts walking in the direction Eiji pointed in* *is suddenly paranoid that Tezuka is watching them from a window and looks up but doesn't see anyone*

Eiji: *bounces off in the other direction* ... *looks at windows* ... *hums* ... *IS SUCCESSFUL!* A~ha!! *trots to the other side of the house to meet Oishi* :3

Oishi: *is much slower at this because it treading very quietly*...*nearly has a heart attack when he steps on a stick*...*finally makes it to Eiji* *whispers* Any luck?

Eiji: Yeah! *does not whisper*

Oishi: Shhh! They're going to hear you.

Eiji: What? *blinks* Oh. Sorry, nya. *is a tiny bit quieter* Well, I found an open window!

Oishi: You did? Where?

Eiji: On the side, nya! Come on! *drags to the window* See!?

Window: *is open*

Oishi: *panics* *ducks down under the window, pulling Eiji with him*

Eiji: *loses balance, falls on top of Oishi* *is hit in the stomach by Oishi!knee* *gags* What are you doing, nya!?

Oishi: Shh! *puts hand over Eiji's mouth* *in tiny whisper* The window's open! They could hear us really easily! And if we would've stayed standing they would've seen us!

Eiji: *glowers*...*constructs evil plan*...*lick's Oishi's palm* :3

Oishi: Hey! *pulls hand away and pushes Eiji off of him* .....*whispers* I hope they didn't hear that.

Eiji: There's no one in there, nya! Or, there wasn't when I looked, before!

Oishi: They could be there now. And we can't get caught.

Tezuka: *is currently up in his bedroom studying like a good stoic megane* :|

Tezuka's Mother: *calls up to him* Kunimitsu! Your father, grandfather and I are going out for awhile! We'll be back later tonight...

Eiji: *peers up over the window* :3

Tezuka: *calls back to her* Alright, Mother. I won't get careless. :|

Oishi: I heard Tezuka's mom. But I didn't catch what she said...

Garage Door: *suddenly opens*

Eiji: :O

Mini-Van: *pulls out*

Eiji: *eeps*

Oishi: *is frozen, hoping they won't be seen*

Oishi: Did everyone leave? *hopes they all did*

Eiji: ...I think so, nya...

Tezuka's Family: *have totally gone out to bingo*

Oishi's family: *probably joined them*

Eiji: I wonder where they went, nya? Is Tezuka still here? *peers over the windowsill again* :3

Tezuka: *is still sitting up in his room working on his summer work because he's not going to be careless!*

Oishi: Well. There's no point in spying on an empty house. *relieved* We should go now.

Tezuka: *puts down his pen and closes up his books* Hmm. :|

Tezuka: *stands up from his desk chair, walks out of his room and into the hallway then down the stairs into the living room*

Oishi: *hears footsteps* *doesn't dare to look*

Tezuka: *looks around at the empty house* *is almost smiling but not really*

Eiji: *looks* Hey there he is, nya!

Tezuka: *goes over to the stereo in the living room and starts going through the CD rack* Where is it? :|

Tezuka: *is annoyed because the CDs are out of alphabetical order and that's completely careless* :| :|

Oishi: Tezuka? *peeks through the window very carefully and spots Tezuka then ducks down again*

Eiji: Yeah! *does not duck down*

Tezuka: Found it. *picks up a CD and makes a show of putting it in the CD player*

Eiji: He's playing music, nya!

Stereo: ...

Oishi: I don't hear any.

Tezuka: :|

Eiji: ...me neither O_o

Tezuka: *has the stereo paused on the right song*

Eiji: ...nya?

Oishi: Maybe the music is really really quiet.

Tezuka: *turns away and looks at the living room* Hmm... not the right set up. :|

Eiji: *ducks down when Tezuka turns towards them*

Oishi: Did he see you? *panic*

Tezuka: *wasn't looking at the window but at the couch*

Eiji: No! I'm a good spy, nya!

Tezuka: *starts moving around the furniture*

Tezuka: *moves the coffee table out of the way and then fixes the couch so it's facing the window*

Eiji: O____________o

Tezuka: *still hasn't seen Oishi and Eiji yet*

Oishi: *peeks through window again* *is face to face with a couch* *blinks*

Tezuka: *moves out of sight and goes off into another part of the house*

Tezuka: Stereo: *starts playing "Old Time Rock N Roll" by Bob Seger very, very, very loudly*

Eiji: What... what is he doing, nya? o_o *clutches Oishi in terror*

Oishi: *suddenly blasted by the music* O.O I don't know.

Tezuka: *comes dancing out into the living room in his tightie whities, his button up white shirt, white socks and sunglasses*

Tezuka: :|

Eiji: jfksldjflksjdflajal???

Oishi: ....*peeks up through the window* ........O.O That can't be Tezuka.

Tezuka: *holding a tennis trophy in his hand and it appears that he's singing into it*

Eiji: Then who is it, nya?

Tezuka: *shakes his ass and dances about the living room* :|

(OOC: Demonstrative link!)

Oishi: I have no idea. *is scared*

Tezuka: *standing on the couch, dancing to the music and singing into the trophy*

Eiji: I'm afraid, Oishi!! *hides face in Oishi's shoulder*

Tezuka: *starts doing some disco* :|

Oishi: Me too. *pats Eiji's back comfortingly*

Tezuka: *plays the air guitar* :| :|

Tezuka: *but alas... he forgot to close the curtains and in the midst of his desire to dance around in his underwear like Tom Cruise... he notices something out of the corner of his eye* :| :| :| :|

Eiji: *is whimpering*

Oishi: *is comforting*

Tezuka: ...

Tezuka: *stops mid hip thrust* ...

Tezuka: ...

Tezuka: *stares outside the front window* ...

Tezuka: ...

Tezuka: :|

Eiji: *pauses*

Eiji: ...

Eiji: ...

Oishi: ...

Eiji: *looks at Tezuka*

Tezuka: *looks at Eiji and Oishi*

Eiji: ...

Oishi: *looks at Tezuka too* ...

Oishi: ...Hi Tezuka.

Eiji: *ducks under the window*

Tezuka: Hello Kikumaru. :| :| :| :| :| :|

Eiji: ...

Eiji: *peers back over the sill reluctantly* ..hoi?

Tezuka: What are you doing looking into my living room window? :| :| :|

Tezuka: *folds his arms over his chest*

Eiji: ...ah... we were... um..

Oishi: ...

Oishi: We were...taking a walk and then...

Eiji: We... fell down!

Eiji: Outside the window!

Oishi: ...Yeah! *nods*

Tezuka: *nods* I see...

Tezuka: 100 laps. :| :| :| :| :| :| The both of you.

Eiji: But!

Eiji: DDDDD:

Oishi: ...Hai. *is ashamed of himself*


Oishi: :O WHAT?!

Tezuka: Oishi...

Oishi: It was NOT.

Tezuka: :| :|


Tezuka: That's just CARELESS and you know it. :|


Oishi: I...Hey! It wasn't me! I wouldn't...I didn't want to!


Oishi: You did!

Tezuka: 100 laps. Oishi. Kikumaru.

Tezuka: :| :| :|

Tezuka: I don't care who's idea it was. I like to dance around in my underwear in peace, thank you very much.

Tezuka: :| :| :| :|

Eiji: ...o__o

Oishi: ....Do you...do that often? O.O

Eiji: *wishes Oishi hadn't asked*

Tezuka: ... It's none of your concern.

Tezuka: NOW GET RUNNING. :| :| :| :|

Oishi: Sorry. You're right. It's none of our business.

Eiji: Hai, buchou!

Eiji: *wonders if Oishi will agree to stop running as soon as they are out of sight*

Tezuka: You're lucky you didn't decide to spy on Atobe...

Tezuka: :| :|

Oishi: Hai. *gets up quickly* *starts running around the house*

Eiji: *runs after*

Tezuka: *goes and puts on pants* :| :| This had better not get onto LJ.

Oishi: *is feeling really bad*

Tezuka: *then goes outside to watch them run laps*

Tezuka: *while sitting in a lounge chair with a Gravitation manga book*


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