LOG: Oishi & Eiji

Oct 08, 2007 18:52

LOG: Oishi and Eiji do homework! Because we just had to log after these two threads. :) Takes place today. Rated G, duh!

Eiji: *is at Oishi's house yay!*

Eiji: *is doing homework :(*

Oishi: *is sitting at his desk doing homework as well*

Oishi: *is totally focused, or pretending to be anyway*

Eiji: *is totally UNfocused, because math is BORING OMG D:*

Eiji: *taps his pencil against the desk*

Eiji: *shifts in his seat*


Oishi: *looks up from his math problems* Yes?

Eiji: I'm BORED, nya D:

Oishi: I told you I was just going to be doing homework.

Eiji: I know, but this is hard and I don't get it and I'm BORED >_<

Oishi: *sits down on the bed next to Eiji* What is it that you don't get?

Eiji: All of it! *scowls* The part with the.. the not-square roots D:

Oishi: *takes Eiji's book and looks at it* I remember doing this. *is in a higher math class than Eiji, mwahaha* Here, let me show you. *takes a sheet of paper and starts going through a problem*

Eiji: *leans in close, looking over his shoulder* :S

Oishi: *scratches away with pencil* You have to factor inside the roots so...*blinks at how close Eiji suddenly is and shifts away a little* Um...So you can...take stuff out.

Eiji: *frowns at the paper, nose scrunching up cutely* Factor like, the numbers that make the other number? *only kind of gets it ^^;*

Oishi: Yes. You have to know what factoring is. *tries to focus on problem and writes out some steps but messes up and has to erase some*

Eiji: *blinks*...Oishi, didn't you say you were having trouble in math?

Oishi: ...No...well. Yes. See! I told you.

Eiji: O_o But you've always been good at math, Oishi! *pokes him to make sure it's REALLY Oishi :O*

Oishi: *jumps at the poke* Stop that! *adskakd*

Eiji: *sniggers* *pokes again* :3

Oishi: *drops the pencil and pushes Eiji's hand away*

Eiji: *pouts* 8(

Oishi: *sighs in relief and picks up the pencil again* Just focus on the problem. *writes out the end of the problem* There. See?

Eiji: *peers at* Um. Kinda? *is hopeless*

Oishi: ...Let me do another one. I'll go slower this time. *picks out another one and writes it out*

Oishi: So if it's x^3, you can take out x^2 and it becomes x outside of the root, and you're left with x in the root too.

Eiji: But then what? O_o

Oishi: *continues to explain the problem*

Oishi: *gets to the end* Do you get it now?

Eiji: *had stopped paying attention halfway through* ...Um.

Oishi: ...What? *looks at him*

Eiji: Can you do another? ^^*

Oishi: Sure. *smiles, slightly amused, and writes out another one*

Eiji: *leans on Oishi's shoulder, trying VERY HARD to stay focused this time*

Oishi: *...loses concentration* Um...where was I?

Eiji: D: I don't know!

Oishi: Oh. Well. *writes out something* *doesn't think it looks right* *erases it* Ignore that. *tries it again*

Eiji: ...*wonders if Oishi has been drinking Inui-juice*

Oishi: *struggles through the problem, with many erasing and crossing out* *finally finishes* ...There. See? It's not that hard. ^^;

Eiji: ...Er. Hoi! ^^*

Oishi: Great. So you can work on it by yourself now. *scoots away from him*

Eiji: Oh..kay :S *takes his pencil and looks at Oishi's examples* *looks at his own paper* *looks at the examples* *haphazardly copies some of Oishi's work for the problems he had just gone through*

Oishi: ...*watches this* You still don't get it, do you?

Eiji: Um. Mostly I do! :D

Eiji: *fails*

Oishi: Are you sure?

Eiji: ...:D?

Oishi: *grabs Eiji's homework sheet and looks over it* You don't get it.

Eiji: D: I'm sorry!


Oishi: ...*pretends that never happened*...It's okay. It's not your fault.

Eiji: :S I really don't like math, nya..

Oishi: I know. I'll explain it better this time, I promise. *takes a new sheet of paper and writes a problem neatly*

Eiji: *watches!*

Oishi: *explains it better this time*

Eiji: *pretty much gets it!*

Eiji: *will probably ask Fuji later though :S*

Oishi: *wishes Eiji would sit FURTHER AWAY*

Eiji: *cannot read minds, yay! :D*

Eiji: *oh man that rhymed*

Oishi: *then they became mimes*

Eiji: *and... sell wind-chimes? 8S*

Oishi: *that were covered in slime!*

Eiji: *EWWW*

Oishi: *bnr*

Eiji: *those wouldn't make noise anyway*

Eiji: *THE END*


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