Name:Marie-Claire DeJarnett
Nicknames: MC, Hammer, MCFresh, em cizzle...
Birth date: 7-22
Current Location: in my office. well not MY office...
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown
Righty or Lefty: Lefty
Zodiac Sign: Cancer
Innie or Outtie: innie
Your heritage: french,british
wore today: i bummed it today. torn up gap sweatshirt, torn up WF blue long-sleeve tshirt, jeans,but i had some cool socks on.
Your hair: longer than it looks...mid-back
Your weakness: when guys say or dosomething really sweet and chocolate
Your fears: being in my house alone at night, and rejection
Your perfect pizza: tons and tons of cheese.u can never have too much cheese.
One thing you'd like to achieve: NHS
Your most overused phrase on aol\aim: sigh
Your thoughts first waking up: gosh my bed is soooo comfortable...
The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: eyes.
Your best physical features: um hard hair, if its "done"
Your usual bedtime: 11:00-11:30
Your greatest accomplishment: uhh
Smoke: lets see, NO
Cuss: no
Sing well: i guess
Take a shower everyday: ill get back to you on that one...
Want to go to college:of course
Like high school: overall, yes.
Want to get married: Yes duh
Type with your fingers on the right keys: no haha never
Believe in yourself: it depends on what...not usually.
Get motion sickness: never
Think you're attractive: not really.
Think you're a health freak: no. HAHAHAHA.
Like thunderstorms: yes i love them. how can u not?
Play an instrument: i would love for elliott to teach me guitar but he just goes " ok, pay me" and forgets about it.
drank:i have but i dont
Smoke(d): never
Done a drug: No
Gone on a date: nope
Gone to the mall?: no im a hermit and i have never left my house
Been on stage: yes...good times
Been dumped: nope...dont look forward to it
Broken any hearts: no
Gone skating: yes woop
Made homemade cookies: yeah, they tasted like charcoal so my family told me i never could again...gosh, i was 8.
Been in love: nope
Gone skinny dipping: thats between me and me
Dyed your hair: no.
Stolen anything: hm no...well, a jelly bean from a gas station.
Played a game that required removal of clothing? noooo
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: never
Been caught "doing something": yes...ehh
Been called a tease: no...
Changed who you were to fit in: of course...not like became a slut or anything, but i bought a hello kitty pencil case so that Laura in elementary school would think i was cool and not just the american fat kid.
Last thing you heard: my mom sayin something very insignificant about how out generation is going down the drain
Last thing you said: on aim "bye" in person "what do u want ure making me nervous" to harrison (my bro) who was looking over my shoulder
Last movie you saw: umm, in i cant remember! whoa that means its been too long...first daughter maybe?
Last television show you saw: part of 7th heaven a minute ago...
Last person you saw: harrison
Last person you hugged: umm....omg.i dont think i hugged anyone today! ah! brb im gonna go hug my dog.
Last person you kissed??: my dog
Last person you were on the phone with: Alex
Age you hope to be married: 22,23 if im lucky...realistically, 26,27.
Numbers and Names of Children(and how this goes under past...i have no idea...): two. if it werent the name of a hotel, id name my girl Windham and my boy...i dont want any boys. boys are stupid.
Describe your Dream Wedding: i like this question...a small church, ppl i actually know there, ivory-colored dress, simple, strapless(if by that time i have that kind of figure), rhododendrons,irises,orshids and posies everywhere.
Current Clothes: same thing i wore today
Current Mood: apparently its quixotic
Current Taste: nothin...about to be whatever were havin for dinner
Current Hair: up in a bun.
Current Annoyance: ppl who but butter in the jelly....goooooosh. and ppl who dont put the cereal away.
Current Smell: w/e were havin for dinner
Current thing you ought to be doing: election notebook or cleaning my room...
Current Desktop Picture: its my bro's...the cliche picture of fall trees with orange leaves everywhere, and a path
Current DVD In Player: 10 things i hate about you
Current Worry: the fact that i will be one of 4 girls out of 24 ppl for thx giving....the other three are my mom,aunt and grandmother...possibly my cousins g/f...sigh ill chill with her.
sorry for the random spaces...