Challenge 7 - points

Nov 17, 2009 09:17

Okay, time to give out points for the jigsaw. HOWEVER

While I specified that you should change the difficulty level to 6x6, some of you didn't do this. Furthermore, because I didn't specify I needed to see the difficulty level (under the pic) or at least the url (which included this information) I got some screencaps where I couldn't tell if the difficulty level had been changed. Finally, I got one screencap which did include the url and plainly showed the difficulty level had not been changed!

Now, I blame myself for not insisting on the url being visible. I'm chalking it up to mod inexperience. Next time I ever run a game, I'll know to take such precautions and anyone not playing by the rules will be disqualified from that challenge.

However since I must take the blame, and I'm trying to be fair here, I'm going to award extra points like so:

Fastest six puzzle solvers (10 points + 10 bonus = 20 points)
entwashian, aka_katya, quiddity, mikomichan, hobbitofkobol, thekydd

The other seven participants (10 points + 2 bonus = 12 points)
rainy_days, nowgold, dcfc_rules, beaked, slartibartfast, areyousaved, turquoisetumult

I figure the top six must include people who actually did the 36 piece puzzle; in case I'm wrong, a couple of bonus points for everyone else can't hurt. The scores are below, please check I've put you in the correct team and feel free to check my adding up.

Team Scores
Team Pie Hole 92
Team Reapers 44
Team Wonderfalls 68

Participants by team

Team Pie Hole
entwashian, quiddity_, mikomichan, turquoisetumult, thekydd
Team Reapers
aka_katya, areyousaved, rainy_days
Team Wonderfalls
slartibarfast, hobbitofkobol, nowgold, beaked, dcfc_rules

The sidebar will be updated later.


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