Digest for Monday-Wednesday, 20-22 August, 2012

Aug 23, 2012 22:42

Community Updates
Winners for Prompt 180! @ fma_fic_contest
Prompt 180 Banners! @ fma_fic_contest

Fan Fiction
Fic: "Not Three of a Kind" 1/1 - evil_little_dog [Ed/Winry/Ling; PG13; dubcon, angst]
Fic: Elections - gaia_lulia [Roy/Riza; PG13; angst]
Fic: Beginning - catystorm [Roy/Ed; PG13; fusion with Supernatural]
Prompt 181-Minor Characters: "You're a Good Man, Kain Fuery" - sonjajade [Furey; R; sex]
Fic: Temporary Malfunction - lunaria_kitty [Ed/Roy; NC17; profanity, nudity, locked to steelandsparks]
Prompt 181: Minor Characters [Détente] - lye_tea [Lust/Lan Fan; PG13]
Appetizer - nochick_fics [Ed/Al; R; sex, locked to fmayaoi]
Fic: "Keep It Up" 1/1 - evil_little_dog [Ed/Winry, Ling/???; PG13; spoilers]
(no subject) - Anonymous [Mrs. Knox, Dr. Knox; PG13; PTSD, violence]
(no subject) - Anonymous [Riza/Roy; PG]
(no subject) - Anonymous [Catherine & Olivier; PG13]
(no subject) - Anonymous [Mrs. Bradley, Riza, & Selim; PG]
(no subject) - Anonymous [Gracia, Roy; PG13]
- evil_little_dog [Dr. Goldtooth; PG13]

Fan Art
Flamel Bracelet - shell_mel

DJ Talk
Fic exchange season means a lot of anonymously-posted fiction. yuuo is up next.
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