So I started school again last week, but the best part is that I've only had two days of classes so far since, for some inexplicable nonsensical reason, UC classes started on Thursday.
This quarter, I'm only taking 3 classes because I can't take 2 English classes at the moment stupid weird lower division requirements and I've finished most of my GEs. I only have two sciences left, one of which I'm taking, and the other which I'm doing next quarter because I'm not as masochistic as to sign up for two science classes in the same quarter. The one I'm taking is on Mars, and my professor seems really nice. It was also recommended for North Campus (humanities) majors, so hopefully it won't be too difficult for a science-fail like me. My other classes are Japanese 4 and English 10B. English is pretty much self-explanatory; I know what to expect. As for Japanese... we took a preliminary exam to see what everyone remembers, and I think I did really well on listening and grammar, but when I got to the kanji... LOL. It was pathetic. I didn't know a single complete word. Of about twelve, I knew half of two of the words. I.e. the first kanji of two 2-kanji words. Fail. Just... fail.
Other than classes, however, my return to school has been great! I tried out for UCLA Chorale again, and am back in the group. We start Wednesday and I'm excited! XD I loved Chorale last year, and our director is amazing. I'm really looking forward to it even if my sight reading is crap. Also, seeing my school friends again has been pretty awesome. One of my friends for J3 last year brought her car this year and we've already gone out a few times. We went with our "J3 group" to some mall in Beverly Hills, and then yesterday, the same group of people + Tina went to Fashion District! Tina and I bought a bunch of cosplay supplies and I got a giant jewel for Mercury! Don't ask me how I'm gonna attach it though... lol. I'll figure something out.
On the way back, we put down the top of my friend's convertible and blasted K-pop. It was awesome!! I'd never been in a convertible before and I was really excited. Convertibles are so cooool!!! X3 After that, we all had dinner together and went back to my floor's lounge to play Apples to Apples.
Fun times, I tell you, fun times. I love my friends~