Playing With Aviy

Jul 16, 2006 22:22

In the fashion of Tomo and Roxas...

Where To Find Me: My e-mail is aviychan (at) cableone (dot) net I BELIEVE this is on all of my character journals. My LJ is aviy and my AIM SN is Chew AVIYgreen. E-mail or AIM is the best way to get in contact with me. I check my e-mail all day every day, and there is a good chance that as long as I'm around, I will get your message within the hour, possibly instantly. And as long as it doesn't take any brainwork on my part, I will reply instantly.

AIM is an on and off thing. I am on AIM all day, but not at my computer all day. If I am away, you won't know it, I like it this way. However I am on AIM from roughly 10am to 1 or 2 am every day. Basically whenever I'm not sleeping. If you leave me a message on my AIM I will get it. But for about eight of those hours I'm at work, so I might be, you know, working, and thus won't reply instantly. I also tend to wander off to do other things without notice. But ultimately I'll get back to you. Feel free to contact me AT ANY TIME. Rly. I don't bite often.

Day In The Life: Despite having five active characters in CFUD, I consider myself a casual player. I don't post often and I'm usually only inclined to jump in on the threads of people I like playing with, have been wanting to play with or have said or done something I feel inclined to play with. I've been in the game for over a year now, and for the last six months haven't had the energy to spend six to ten hours a day doing nothing but playing CFUD. This is cause I like reading and playing video games just as much as roleplaying. So basically? I'm not super active anymore.

Additionally, I'm employed. However I am a lucky sonnabitch and my work weeks are only 30 hours (which I actually don't want, lol) and I have access to a computer and the internet and free reign of both through most of it. This means I will, if the day is slow, RP during work. Just understand that if it's before 5pm PST (or MST), Monday through Thursday and I randomly disappear on you? I probably got called off to do something to earn my wages! Life's a ho, ya.

Anyway, what this all amounts to is that it can be hard to find my characters around, especially if you're looking for someone who isn't Ed! BUT that doesn't mean I'm unwilling to play them. Feel free to ping me on AIM and if you want to play with any of my characters I'll either A) pull them out instantly or B) try to arrange something with you for a later date. PLEASE understand that I am a creature of comfort, I do not expect anyone to go out of their way to do something they don't want to do for my sake, similarly I won't do this unless I think it's actually important. As much as I like RP, it doesn't fall anywhere near the 'actually important' category. Some days I just don't feel like playing certain characters, and even if asked I won't. I'm also a creature of schedules, and if I've set aside the rest of the night to read, you will not pry me from my book with any amount of emo, drama or crack my characters should be participating in, cause that's just how I am. THUS you are MUCH MUCH MORE LIKELY to get me to do something with you if you give me a day or so advance notice. I DO keep to my schedules, which is the cool part about being a scheduled person, it just means you have to give me heads up, but if you do? I'll definitely be around for it.

All that said, while I fully admit I have players and characters I prefer to play with, I don't exclude or avoid anyone in the game, nor do I have anything against anyone in the game that would make me want to not play with them for any reason. So if you want to play with me for any reason? Please, please let me know, as likely I'll be more than happy to.

Character Love: Characters I play most often, in order: Ed, Riku, Vash, Lina, Killua. The only significant difference between any of these is that Ed is way, waaaay in the lead. He's my main, my favorite and my easiest character. I'm going to spend the week trying to get Riku and Vash more love, as they are my two hardest characters to play right now, which is the main reason they tend to drop threads (as opposed to Lina and Killua, who almost never drop threads, just tend to not get out much).

However, even if I have trouble with some, or prefer others, I love all of my characters, I enjoy playing them, and don't mind hauling them out most of the time.

Thread dropping: This came up recently and I find I have a different policy than a lot of people on these kinds of things, so I might as well clarify!

I drop threads a lot. I am a chronic thread dropper. It is NEVER PERSONAL. I might drop a thread because the subject matter has stopped interesting me. I might drop it because I can't think of a reply (see: Riku, Vash), I might drop it because I forgot, or because I'm playing two other characters and it just got lost in the shuffle, or because I wandered off to play videogames, or because I got called away to watch TV with my mother... you get the idea, right? Stuff happens, some of it is me, some of it is life. If I am TALKING WITH YOU IMMEDIATELY I will I tell you if I have to run off and can't reply anymore. But I don't go out of my way to track down every person I have a thread with to tell them why I'm not replying. This is because it doesn't occur to me to be worried or offended if someone drops a thread with me (Which also happens plenty). To me this is just part of the game, and if I really wanted to continue a thread that got dropped, I'll find the player and bug them about it. And I've never once had someone go "no, Aviy, I'm not playing that thread with you anymore".

So! To me I take this all as a given, which is why I'm surprised whenever stuff like dropping threads comes up as an issue to people. BUT! Just in case!:

My contact info is above. If I drop a thread with you that you really want to continue? Tell me and I will continue it. If the reason I dropped it is I can't think of a reply, I will spend the ten or so minutes it takes for me to figure out a reply. If I dropped it cause my character just has nothing to SAY I will convey this to you and see where we want to go. If I dropped it cause Life Happened I will pick it up as soon as I can! THIS IS NO TROUBLE AT ALL, NO ONE SHOULD EVER HESITATE OVER THESE KINDS OF THINGS.

Commenting! I will usually catch comments that pop up mid thread, but if I don't, feel free to kick me.

OOC!: Also, feel free to kick me. I think I take concrit very well. As a person who will hand it out without hesitation or pulling punches, I have no right to ever be offended over honest, decent concrit. I'm also not the sort of person who feels obligated to live up to concrit I disagree with. So basically? Feel free to hit me. It won't hurt.

Screened Concrit meme for me is here cause I don’t always post in the concrit comm.

FINALLY if there is anything you've been wanting to do with my characters, you can let me know here and we will work out how to make that shit happen, yo.

player info

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