I've translated the soundtrack titles for Sherlock Holmes.... if anybody has any corrections, by all means say so. I've divided them into groups of five to make them easier to read.
Увертюра Overture
У камина At the fireplace
Тема зла Theme of evil
Размышления Холис Holmes's musings
Тема Гобо Gobo's theme
Вызов The call
Сокровища Агры The treasure of Agra
Погоня на катере A chase in the cutter
Скрипка Холмса Holmes's violin
Легенда Баскервилей Legend of the Baskervilles
Холмс и Ватсон Holmes and Watson
Лора Лайенс Laura Lyons
Сэр Генри Sir Henry
Тревога Anxiety
Вальс Берилл Beryl's waltz
Пьяный сэр Генри Drunk Sir Henry
Собака Баскервилей The hound of the Baskervilles
Приезд в Девоншир Arrival in Devonshire
Лора и Холмс Laura and Holmes
В кэбе In the cab
Погоня The chase
Берилл Beryl
Апофеоз Triumph
В доме Адера In Ader's house
Предчувствие Premonition
Шулер The swindler
Мориарти Moriarty
Схватка Kidnapping
Рейхенбахский водопад Reichenbach Falls
Прощание Farewell
Траурный марш Funeral march
У камина без Холмса At the fireplace without Holmes
Воспоминание о Холмсе Reminiscence of Holmes
Мистический детектив The mystical detective
Встреча Холмса и Ватсона The meeting of Holmes and Watson
XX век The twentieth century
Танго Tango
Война War
Вальс Ирэн Irene's waltz
Воспоминание о скрипке Холмса Reminiscence of Holmes's violin
Прощание с домом Farewell to the house
Финал Finale
Some notes:
Russian does not have articles. My mother, who speaks otherwise perfect English, still says things like, "Go put it in a microwave!"1 So in some places I put in "the" in front of a title and in some places I didn't. Add or remove at your own discretion.
1To which I am always tempted to reply, "Which one? We have thirty!"
"Laura Lyons" is a guess-- it's written phonetically as "Lora Laiens". So is "Gobo", whoever or whatever that may be. (Though I think it's the guy with the fangs. HIS FANGS YOU GUYS, I swear they are fucking terrifying.)
I am no great expert in Russian movies-- I've seen a few, but I don't recognize actors on sight the way my mother can-- but when the character of Sir Henry Baskerville showed up, I said, "holy crap, that's the young Nikita Mikhalkov!" Nikita Mikhalkov went on to make, in 1998 or so, a movie called Burnt by the Sun, one of the most powerfully moving things I have ever seen or read. If you want to know about Russian culture, without really sitting down and intentionally studying it, watch that movie. Or just watch if you want to see an incredibly sad movie that somehow manages to be very happy and cheerful in certain spots (which makes it all the more poignant).
So watching the Hound of the Baskervilles episode, and seeing young!Mikhalkov acting so... uh... well, you'll see what I mean... was a little bit jarring. But pretty damn funny all the same. He's supposed to be depicting an American. :)
Oh and speaking of further episodes-- you know how Solomin is more watsony than Freeman? Well the Russian Moriarty is even creepier than Jim. He's like the Master from Doctor Who or something.