Title: Public Personas (Part Deux)
aislinoriel Rating: PG-13 (OMO. Not even any cussing.)
Summary: Second part of Public Personas. Chaerin tells Sandara what she and Jiyong had a talk about, and Dara tells CL about her 'special understanding' with Seunghyun, which is unsettling. Girl love all over. ♥ (CLARA is what I'm calling it for now. IDK. Anyway
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Comments 13
DARA SHOULD SO START A SCANDAL WITH TABI. more than their double-date, which i think should be a fic all on its own by the way *poke poke*
anyways, lovely as always, and i'm so glad you're writing again! ♥
They're just too perfect. I tried to deny it but I was compelled, HAD to write something. LOL. You can't deny love when you see it. :3
Ehahaha...subtle...I'll think about it. ^^;; Don't think I've forgotten about your wonderful fic. I'm waiting patiently for the next part~
Thanks bb~ I'm always writing honestly...it's just completing anything that's the problem. &hearts
ahhh i really need to post up the next part to mine, don't i >< i tried writing it yesterday and then i came out with a different gtop oneshot instead wtf. /fail
Ha...wow that's basically how I am lately too...I have several gtop (fics) on the go and every time I sit down to finish one, I begin another...I'm so easily distracted by even the slightest inspiration. *looks at 6 unfinished fics sitting on my desktop* aish... *headdesk*
Oooh, oneshot? *grabby hands*
idk but yah know this is like the 2nd fic of girl to girl that i read and I was a bit hesitant cause the first one traumatized me O.O anyways. bahahahahahaha *giggles* sho damn cute it pains me. LOL XD mang oh man. The entire world aches for leadaaah couple and dara-top couple when in reality its switched up :p
i think i need a CLARA icon :p
Actually, it's the first girl/girl I've written too. sho damn cute it pains me = my thoughts on CLARA exactly. ;D
If only the world knew, lol.
Thank you for reading bb!
Great job, it was cute in so many ways!
*kisses your forehead*
I want my own Tam-Tam. ;____;
but this was awesome :D
dara is adorably hilarious & CL is CL
first yuri couple i have read & it was sweet
love the double date ;] & @ the scandals that are formed lmao
this should become reality >;]
&hearts your writing
I have a huge Dara bias as she's my favorite ma homegirl, *cough* and CL is...like you said CL, and who can deny the awesome that is her? XD
First yuri couple I've written too. ^^ I've been looking for one to read, but I haven't found a pairing I could really get behind until now~
I think they're sweet too. But I think they'd be hellcat sexy too...they're like femmeGTOP to me, after all. Kekeke...
&hearts your comments
yeah CL is awesome just being herself
oh niice :]
i just didn't see any yuri that i could read it was all snsd that i stumbled upon :X
not a big snsd fan
lmao the female ver of GTOP x]
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