Name/Nickname: KellyLee
Age: 17
Taken or Single: Single.
Occupation: pothead.
Describe your personality in three words:
1) silly
2) weird
3) odd
General Stuff
What's your best quality?: I'm creative
What's your worst quality?: i'm lazy
Hobbies?: writing. music. traveling. ganja.
Talents?: writing, singing.
Pet peeves?: oh god. too many
If you had three wishes (excluding wanting more wishes), what would they be? My brother to make something of himself, not live with my dad anymore, for mom to be okay.
Do you believe in God?: sometimes.
What's the significance of your lj name? idk. I needed a new one and thats what i thought of, i guess.
Favorite color: green
Favorite book(s): Perks of being a wallflower
Favorite cereal: lucky charms
Favorite musical artist(s): CKY, Vanna, Grateful Dead, Brand New, Kevin Devine. [music taste is all diffrent (:]
Favorite movie(s): Boondock Saints, Fight club, HowHigh.
Favorite food: Chocolate.
Favorite quote, and why?:
I don't think the human mind can comprehend the past and the future. They are both just illusions that can manipulate you into thinking theres some kind of change. -Bob Dylan.
idk. I just think Bob Dylan had an amazing way of thinking and it's so bizarre but it makes so much sense..
This or That
Leader or Follower?: wallflower.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: pessimistic.
Dogs or Cats?: dogs
Money or Love?: money.
Day or Night?: night.
To be or Not to be?: that tis the question...
Yay! The drugs!
Do you prefer to smoke alone or with friends?: with friends [:
Do you smoke middies or dank?: dankk.
How often do you toke up?: whenever I have money. my friend's sister sells and shes ganja queen in my area so, I usually toke with them two and they always got good shitt. [:
Bowl or bong: bong
Joint or blunt: joint
Favorite flavor blunt: never had a blunt
Roller or hand rolled: roller. I can't roll for shitt.
Do you roll or does someone else do it?: someone else.
What was your first high like?: It was bad. I got sick and dizzy but then my next time was amazing. [:
What's the most fun you've had while high?: smoking with hayley's mom and her at two in the morning. Then we made cookies and brownies. hah. good times...
What's the worst thing you've gone through while high?: I don't think anything, yet.
What other drugs do you do?: none yet.
Any drugs you've tried that you wouldn't do again?:
Any drugs you've never tried and never will?: I don't even know..
Make us laugh (Joke, picture, anything!):
How did you find this community?: I typed in PotHead in the search bar.
How often do you post?: wheneverr.
Anything else (Really, anything you want to include. Don't leave this blank or we'll be sad pandas.):
um. I don't even know. I'll put this;