Title: Roommate (chapter 21)
Pairings: Kyumin, Haehyuk, Yewook
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, drama, angst
Summary: Two boys live on the same room, with different past and family background. One is come from an elite family while the other is an orphan. Will love bloom between them? Or it will be the worst years in their life?
Don’t move! You don’t want our little blondie here get hurt, right? )
Comments 12
will wait for your comment, kekeke ^^
will yesung help donghae?
how about Min and Wook?
love eunhae moment in this chap! so lovely~
goodluck on your work(?)
i love this fic more and more hahahaha
Yesung? It was explained on the next chapter~~
hahaha yeah, thank you~~~
this chapter not make me dissapointed,it's a great chapter ^^
I love Yesung very much in this chapter >.<
He's so cool!!!Wookie,how lucky you are
aww~ thank you~
I'm afraid that it will disappoint you all but I'm glad that it didn't, kekekeke
being waiting so long for this!!
thank you so much for the update!! 'huggggg'
can't wait for next chapter!
(i really want to know who is the YOUNG MASTER!)
LOVE YOU!!! <3
*hug back*
thank you for reading~~
the next chapter is already up~
happy reading~
with this incident, there's no way they will let hyukie alone....especially hae......he almost lost his lover for a second time......his protectiveness must be double now....he will protect his lover......
at the end, does it meant that yesung's dad is the one behind these mess? why? does yesung knows about this? guess has to wait another update from you......thanks for sharing........
hmm? It'll explained on the next chapter~~
happy reading~~
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