Title: Roommate (chapter 22)
Pairings: Kyumin, Haehyuk, Yewook
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, drama, angst
Summary: Two boys live on the same room, with different past and family background. One is come from an elite family while the other is an orphan. Will love bloom between them? Or it will be the worst years in their life?
my father active on underground organization, you know gangster and stuff… and he was the one who have the biggest organization in South Korea )
Comments 4
did hyukjae know how fight?
aaah please update soon!!
I already update it~~
happy reading~~
now minnie has been kidnapped.....it must be hard for kyu losing his lover......but at least now they know how to defense themselves.......hopefully everything will be alright......
thanks for sharing......anticipate on the next update.....
thank you for reading~~
I'll already update it~~
happy reading~~
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