Title: Roommate (chapter 24)
Pairings: Kyumin, Haehyuk, Yewook
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, drama, angst
Summary: Two boys live on the same room, with different past and family background. One is come from an elite family while the other is an orphan. Will love bloom between them? Or it will be the worst years in their life?
It’s no use boy… your fate will be the same as your grandfather and don’t worry… you wouldn’t be alone… your cousin will follow you after this )
Comments 26
hyukie and minnie are save........yesung is alive.....but yesung's dad was dead........
overall......a perfect ending for all......thanks for sharing....
yay for the happy ending, kekeke
thank's for reading~~~
finally, I can send you comment for this fic.
Congrats, you finish this fic. I really like your story. Good job.
I'll wait for your new fic.
thank you for liking this story *bow*
yeah, I hope I could post it soon, hehe
please anticipate it~~
wait i need to re-read some chapters....
can't wait to read this chap!! :D
I haven't read it since.. since 1 digit chapter.. what chapter?? *confused+shocked*
sorry, rarely login at my LJ.. T_T
need to bookmarks your fic >,<
will comeback again later, can't wait to read it till finish ^o^
happy reading~~
thank you for reading this foc~~ keke
nah~~ I don't mind at all~~
I'm happy that you want to read my fic~~ haha
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