ooc; permissions

Sep 05, 2010 20:29

You get the idea, go here if you want to know what you can/can't do!

CHARACTER SERIES: Nananananana Batmaaaan

Backtagging: I LIVE FOR THIS
Threadhopping: Yes please!
Fourthwalling: YES, she'll just laugh it off or chalk it up to incredibly good publicity (which is good). Any attempt to make her think she's fictional will probably fail.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): ... I can't think of anything.


Hugging this character: HANDS OFF THIS IS FOR PUDDIN' ONLY (do it, just know that ICA=ICC)
Kissing this character: WHAT DID I JUST SAY (see above!)
Flirting with this character: If you keep it harmless, Harley will happily enjoy it to feed her ego, just don't expect much reciprocation unless you're the Joker.
Fighting with this character: If you can do worse than strapping her to a rocket, you won't do much damage! But go for it.
Injuring this character (include limits and severity): HAHA do whatever, she's a Batman villain, she'll always bounce back.
Killing this character: Tell me first!
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Doesn't apply in this game!

Warnings: Harley is a little less dangerous than her male counterpart, but that doesn't mean she's adverse to dishing out punishment when she sees fit. Or when the Joker sees fit. On the other half, she's... a bit more amicable than the Joker. So it really depends on whether or not she likes your character!

She's also ~crazy~.

Get your own copy of the IC/OOC Permissions meme!


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