Title: A Wintertime Surprise
Season: PRiS
Summary: [Post-CtD] Noticing Ashley's little bout of homesickness, Andros decides to give her a special gift. Meanwhile, TJ and Cassie discuss the possibilities of Andros popping the big question.
Disclaimer: I don't own a thing. Not one iota. So don't sue the broke fanfic writer, please.
Written for:
phantom_blue, who
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Comments 5
I love the idea of them all living together on KO-35. That must be a beautiful estate, and big too. ^_^ And I can see Ashley being the first to get homesick. Cassie would be happy so long as she was surrounded by friends (that she's made her family); TJ seems like he's more the independent type as well, and by the looks of it, if Cassie's there... -Grin- And Carlos kinda seems to be a floater of sorts. I don't see him thinking long and hard about making the choice to live with his team. He'd be nonchalant about it. Like, "meh, I can always go back to Earth. It's nothing permanent."
And KITTENS!! -Squee- LOVE!
Very nice, dear. ^_^
Thank you! This was super cute, and I'm loving it. Yay you for putting a little bit of everything in there! I have to say my favorite part was the kitten. *giggles* Because, LOOK IT'S A KITTEN! ♥
Thank you! ♥
Oh, and Andros! He's my other favorite part. *laughs* That, and the part where TJ and Cassie are thinking they know what he's up to. But definitely Andros. :D
I'm glad you enjoyed my story because at first, I thought KO-35 wouldn't have snow since we only ever saw it as a desert-type climate, and I had to work past that. But I worked really hard on it and I think I might even post a sequel somewhere. Who knows?
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