Title: Moments (Or, “Andros and Ashley Eat Cookies and Otherwise Act Totally PG Because I'm Lazy and They're Uncooperative”! :D)
Season: PRiS
Rating: PG(! This was supposed to be, like, so not PG.)
Summary: Um. Well... there's Ashley and Andros, and talking, and Ashley thinks a lot during the talking, and then they get a call, and then they sit on
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Comments 7
I'm a big fan of random moments. PLOT IS HARD, OKAY. I prefer characters to plot, but I have a hard time writing character-driven fic for a sustained period of time. The plot takes over and I get excited about it, and then I forget about all the character development that was supposed to happen for the plot to even make sense, and oops, what's that subplot doing in here, and wait, this person has too many identities!
Dude! First! That's not the first time someone's said that to me, either. *considers* I guess I don't see it, except that we happen to be writing about the same characters, but I'll take it. *squees so hard*
*laughs* I know! This is why I never write anything else. I've started so many stories with different relationships (hell, even different people), and after a few minutes I start thinking, "Andros and Ashley are way cute together. I think I'll go write more about them". (Woo! Tangent! I've always found canon!Ashley to be kind of irritating. Even when I was a ( ... )
Me too! Random moments are the BEST! ♥ Plot *is* hard! (-Laughs- Apparently I'm just going to repeat everything back to you.) But it's true though! Sometimes I wait around for 5-6 pages for the plot to fall in somewhere, but IT DOESN'T. -Giggles- ...Oops? -Laughs- I so need to write more, I have no clue where I stand on this.
Yes First, you write alot like Star imo. It's your grasp of the characters and the way you interpret and write them, I think. Either way, you'z both amazing ( ... )
will have to comment more later, my lunch break is over.
I liked how you slipped the kittens in there too! I do have to agree w/ Challon though - I SO would love to read the rest of this story too! Or at least a few more "day in the life" glimpses of Ashley & Andros' life on KO-35!!! :-D
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