if you truly want a recap of what's been happening the past few days (en detaile (no, i don't know what language that is)) then continue
part of an entry i wrote on thursday:
oh, today. it was quite the shitty day, i'm afriad. after only 5 hours of sleep, i awake to find myself shivering all over with the song "the ballad of john and yoko" racing through my head and that unmistakble feeling in my stomach that screamed "YOU ARE GOING TO THROW UP, WARNING WARNING!"
so after about 45 minutes of rocking back and forth in my bed because a.) i couldn't move and b.) my fever was making my skin feel like i had gotten a massive sunburn and then was sitting in a freezer, i dragged myself to the bathroom armed with a plastic bag.
i won't go into the details of what happened, but in the words of ferris beuller: "you know alien? yeah, it's kinda like that." not pretty, suffice to say. and i got my period AT THE SAME TIME. does my body hate me? i think yes.
i then spent from around whenever i dragged myself from the bathroom until 3 in the afternoon sprawled upside-down on my bed. everyone who came in was subsequently confused but i was blissfully ignorant of their confusion because i was basically passed out. amanda was lovely and checked up on me a couple of times and kirsten went and got psych notes for me. what sweet children.
so today i basically did nothing and tried to just not die. i was finally able to force-feed myself some poptarts and now i actually ate some soup. now i'm veeeery slowly eating some pudding. let's hope that the puking was really a one-time thing and i won't be dr. pukenstein again.
well, to home i venture tomorrow! huzzah! we're celebrating keri's birthday and hopefully i'll be able to stalk melissa. then on sunday it's to church for the first time since christmas, which will be weird. buuuuuuut we can pretend it won't and that i won't get my uncontrollable urges to pretend to be possesed.
i sign up for classes tomorrow. i'm sort of pissed because there are basically NO science courses open which means i would either have to take a chem class at 8 in the morning or take another math class. so i'm taking the math class. otherwise i'm going to be fufilling my science/math gened requirements until i graduate which don't fly with me, yo. so i'm taking math for the legally retarded! it's fantastic. "the nature of mathematics". it's sad, because i used to be good at math and care. and i already took statistics. ooooh weeeeell.
also my religion class got filled so i'm taking a class on western society and culture (covering crap like rome an greece and american politics and such) so i'm proooobably going to own it. but i really wanted to take a world religions class. whatever.
on the up-side: none of my classes are going to start before 12! and none of my classes will end later than 6:15, 3 of the 5 days i'll have 2 classes, and i'm going to be taking theater with a psychotic professor! it will be grand.
second semester is going to kill me though. i'm going to be in international relations, a history class, a science class, two justice studies classes (one is one credit, the other is 4), and an advanced communications class. yeah, i'm probably going to die. but that should be one of my worst semester for college, soooo hoepfully i won't be killing anyone.
buuuuuuuut yeah.
part of an entry i wrote on saturday:
unfortunately, the horrors of regurgitation have failed to leave me. i went all of friday feeling fine and actually managed to sign up for classes (i will now have TWO crazy professors! one of which is an insane old cat-lady and i am stoked), eat a piece of pizza, and then chinese food in honor of keri's birthday.
i will never eat chinese again.
i awoke again with that horrifying feelings flooding my body and ended up pulling an exorcist. i have never thrown up so much in my life. well... that's probably a lie but honestly, it was abosolutely horrible. now all day i've had that awful feeling that i am about to puke. luckily i was able to eat half a pop-tart.
being the hypochrondriac i am, i decided to look up different stomach diseases online and have now decided that this new development is a sign that i have stomach cancer. or i really do have celiac disease because it really sounds like everything i have.
fuck my stomach. fuck my fucking health. i wanna get a stupid endoscopy/colonscopy just so i can figure out what the HELL is going on. this naturally-induced bulemia is not healthy. i can't eat and what i do eat won't stay in my system.
i actually haven't been that bitter about things, which is surprising seeing as i am in crapfest 2000. i'm just so afriad that this puking-spree is going to continue and every morning i'm going to be late for class because i'll be busy throwing up what i ate the night before. the thing that makes me think that this isn't just a flu-type-deal is the fact that i feel fine besides my stomach being a complete and utter spaz.
i thought about having stomach cancer today. i was just thinking "what if you did? what the fuck would you do?" and i honestly didn't know. i just felt disturbingly apathetic, like... "well, if my stomach is going to be some sort of fucking time-bomb of death, then let it. i'm going to die someday anyways."
aaaaaaaand now we're actually on today! it has been about 72 hours since the last puke-fest and i actually ate a whole bagel yesterday so perhaps i'm not dying after all.
so, tis been quite a while since i last updated... i went home, went to church for the first time on an actual sunday since being gone and did the whole easter she-bang. church was... weird. seeing kids i know growing up (such as colin) and how much fucking TALLER everyone is than me is depressing and weird. and then seeing old friends looking the same and basically BEING the same is even weirder. i didn't really know how to deal with people, which wasn't helped by my general spaciness due to lack of food intake.
i'm actually a little freaked out because i literally have not eaten much over the past couple of days. over the past.... 5 days, i've eaten, thrown up that food, eaten, thrown it up again, and then barely eaten and somehow (miraculously) not thrown it up. so since last wednesday, i've probably eaten the equivilant of two meals that have actually stayed in my body. not cool.
so saturday was basically the day from hell, even though it was nice because my daddy stayed home with me and we watched the history channel together and talked for a good couple of hours. as we watched a program on the atom bomb, i started like... interrograting my dad about what it was like growing up during the heat of the cold war (har har, oxymoron). it was really interesting to hear and so weird to know that my dad was actually ALIVE while all that shit was going down. i hope my kids think it's cool that i was alive during some serious shit as well.
the worst part about this weekend was the fact that i didn't get to see melissa. i mean, what the fuck body??? the ONE WEEKEND that i would actually get to see her, and i throw up for the first time in two fucking years. i don't blame her at all for not wanting to risk catching THE DISEASE (as it is now dubbed), but i was pathetically sad about it all. i just want the summer to come so i can just be normal again.
as most people are saying in their ole el jays, school pretty much needs to end RIGHT NOW. psychology is still interesting and i feel like i'm doing well in it, but i honestly could not give less of a rat's ass about the rest of these classes. personal wellness has been officially given up on, spanish... well, i'm actually trying harder in spanish so i can swing a b. in speculative fiction we're actually reading a GRAPHIC NOVEL, which is lame and stupid and i'm not a 9-year-old boy. gcom is stupid review. blahZAY, i hate working and i just want to get out of here, go to france, and be home.
i am excited about france though. we were going through stuff yesterday and i actually cackled maniacally when i read about the catacombs. there are rows of SKULLS and like piles of spinal disks and shit! and bone art!!! it is morbid and creepy and incredibly cool. and i'm going to some snooty parisian squares where i will run around saying "help me because i am a monkey!" which i learned how to say last night.
and we're going to the erotica museum. mwahahah.
i have signed up for classes next semester. i ended up switching my theater class (which was introductory and lame) for an art history class! it's rennaissance to the present so i'm stoked because i know a lot for that already and i'm really interested in it. i'm also taking the justice 200 course, history past 1650, the nature of mathematics (bleh), and the medieval western culture... thing. i don't really know what it is, but it fulfills a gened requirement. and it's with a crazy old woman.
sooooooo easter (i'm really jumping around, aren't i?). my aunt (who is pregnant again... with twins... at age 51... MAN they are the poster children for invitro!), my uncle, eli, and grandmama all came to our house which was fun. eli is seriously such a cute kid and just chillaxing with my family while not puking was fantastic even though i couldn't eat anything. is it weird that i really do enjoy just being with my family? there's just something so comforting in it and gah i dunno. keri and i get along so well and my parents are so cute and i just miss them.
my family is so abnormally functional. it's a miracle.
anyway. i saw a rendition of hamlet last night called quinnopolis vs. hamlet. it was... very weird. basically it was two guys putting on hamlet except it was the sort of play-within-a-play deal and was very artsy. they only had a box and some props and themselves. it was pretty cool and reminded me of rosencrantz and guildenstern are dead, only without as much plot or making as much sense. and they never explained what quinnopolis was. oh well. both guys played all the parts (both of them were hamlet, though one guy focused on being ophelia (hahahaha) and the other one was claudius and then they had a mop that was getrude...) and it was interesting. they described their play as a sort of jazz-interpretation of hamlet.
however weird it was, the two guys in it were SO FUCKING IN LOVE it almost made me squeal out loud at how cute it was. thus making me feel like a total girl. but no matter. they were like, practically kissing half the show. even though they weren't really supposed to be. adorable. and they were both really good actors, giving me the impression that either they were hopped up on something or just really into it. and each other. hehe.
ok, stopping now.
i have yet to shower today, which seems to have become my mantra. i am so gross. kill meeeeeee...
i think i'm going to go and do that. oh right, and write my psych thing. definately forgot about that. er... yeah.
goodbye, chilluns.