Miss you all incredible much. I hope you haven't fortgotten 'bout me yet. Things are looking brighter with the whole heart situation. I might not need a donor after all, well time just have to tell. Keep your fingers crossed and don't forget about me because I would NEVER forget you guys
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Comments 9
Maybe no transplant? Excellento :D Get better soon, ya know we love you too much
1. Who are you?: If you don't know then I'm worried...
2. Are we friends?: hell yeah
3. When and how did we meet?: You know, I really don't remember how, but htat's not important. That we met at all is :D
4. Do you (or did you ever) have a crush on me?: no o_O
5. Would you kiss me?: what kind of question is that?
6. Describe me in one word: Jonna. Says it all.
7. What was your first impression? Funkaliscious
8. Do you still think that way about me now?: hell yeah
9. What reminds you of me?: The work Funky, and bananas
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?: healthyness :(
11. How well do you know me?: As much as I know, that much rocks.
12. When's the last time you saw me?: Too long ago
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?: Noo..
14. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you? Maybe... probably :p
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