01. What color are your walls? white haha.
02. What color is your bedspread/sheets? its like pastels. but right now its getting washed. so its like magenta haha.
03. What color is your rug? blue/grey
04. Any posters/bulletin boards/designs in your room? lots of posters, pictures, glow in the dark things. yeah.
05. Do you have a TV? haha no, my parents hate me. because my 9 year old brother does
06. Do you have a phone? nope
07. Do you have your own computer? i have a laptop, but it doesnt have aol on it.
08. Do you have a desk? no i do my homework on the floor lol
09. What are your most treasured belongings in your room? my monkeys!! haha
10. What are your most favorite things in your room? i HATE my room
11. Do you have any fancy lights in your room? i have a night light :)
01. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? brush my teeth.
02. Anything unusual? trip a few times. haha
03. Do you pick out your clothes the night before school? never haha. i do it like 5 minutes before school starts
04. Do you try your best to look cute for school? depends. not really
// SCHOOL //
01. What color is your backpack? ORANGE!
02. Do you try your best when it comes to school work? i try i guess, but i could be better
03. Do you listen or doodle? doodle
04. BE QUIET - haha sometimes
05. Do you eat your cafeteria food, or go out? at the beginning of the year i brought lunch, but at the end i pretty much bought everyday
06. What do you do right when schools over? go home, eat, and go online, then go to dance haha
// HOME //
When you come home are you. . .
01. Miserable? not usually. depends
02. Happy? sometimes
03. Tired? usually
// OTHER //
01. Do you take walks around your neighborhood sometimes? haha not really.
02. What are some hobbies of yours? dancing, hangingo ut with friends, movies, talking, the zoo.
03. Do you collect anything? not really.
04. What do you do in your spare time? tv. online.
05. Are you in love, or at least falling? haha no
01. What do you do before you go to bed? brush my teeth.
02. Do you kiss your parents/guardians goodnight, or just say "goodnight"? haha usually nothing, ocassionally a goodnight
03. What way do you sleep (ex: on your side, tummy, etc.)? really weird ways
04. Do you like your life? sometimes its not bad, sometimes i hate it
CD: dont have one
Movie: Chicgao, Center Stage, Finding Nemo- Marykate and Ashley
Food: chicken, and frys!
Thing to do in spare time: online, aol
Color: ORANGE or pink or yellow
Music group: american juniors
Alcoholic drink: hmm.
Vacation Spot: florida!!
Sport: dance!
Place to shop: the mall haha, or kohls!
Actor: a funny one. haha
Actress: Kate Hudson, or brittany murphy, or marykate and ashley
Friend: i love them all :)
Toothpaste: that one thats in my bathroom
Shampoo: feira. or whatever, frutcies. hahaha
Which One?
Basketball/Football: basketball
Day/Night: both
Brad Pitt/Ben Affleck: Ben Affleck
1 Pillow/2 pillows: 2
Abercrombie/A.E.: abercrombie.
Dog/Cat: cat well i have cats, but i'd rather have a dog
Skirt/Dress: skirt
Florida/Hawaii: florida
Candy/Flowers: CANDY
Bacon bits/Crutons: CRUTONS!! like my favroite food haha
Necklace/Braclet: bracelet
Vanillia/Chocolate: choclate!!!
Kisses/Hugs: hugs
Ice Cream/Yogurt: icecrea,
Pepsi/Coke: neither
Short Hair/Long Hair: long
Cookies/Brownies: brownies
Do you...
have cable: yes
watch mtv: not really
watch vh1: not really
wear makeup: yeah, usually
carry a purse: when im somewhere like bham
have braces: nope! :D
have freckles: not on my face. i have like a few though
like cookies: of course! lol
sleep with a stuffed animal: yep!
have a watch: yeah but i dont wear it THAT much anymore
sing in the shower: always haha
carry a wallet: nope
currently have a crush: nope
have a photo album: yes
believe in God: yes
think the devil exists: no
believe in heaven and hell: i belive in heaven
wear jewelry: sometimes. i wear earings or a neckalce. or something haha
like to drink water: YES! i <3 water
drive: haha no
have a best friend: yes i think
Have you...
failed your driving test: not yet. haha
gotten in a car accident: nope
broken any bones: haha like 6 of my fingers, and my toe
gotten drunk: no
cheated on a test: not really, i think maybe my spelling test in like 2nd grade.
beat up anybody: just for fun!
gotten beat up: not really haha
done drugs: eww no
taken a dance class: about a thousand haha
gone to summer camp: yes! DANCE CAMP BABY.
been on a roller coaster: i <3 rollercoasters
Top five places of the moment:
01. the zoo
02. the movies
03. friends house.
04. my house.
05. mall.
Top five bands of the moment:
01. american juniors haha
03 .
Top five people of the moment:
01. everybody.
Last car ride: last night
Last good cry: not recetnally! wow.
Last movie seen: We Watched Wish Apon a star last night @ taylors. but spy kids 3D on big screen, and tonight is freaky friday.
Last book read: um i have no clue.
Last cuss word uttered: bitch [if that counts]
Last beverage drank: water
Last food eaten: waffles
Last crush: *******
Last phone call: umm. kristin, but she didnt answer haha.
Last tv show watched: teen choice awards haha.
Last time showered: in like 10 minutes i will
Last shoes worn: gymshoes! haha
Last cd played: uh i dont know, i listen to kazaa
Last item bought: DIP N DOTS @ the zoo haha.
Last downloaded: hmm. dont remember
Last annoyance: not getting my competition letter
Last disappointment: my competition letter not comming
Last soda drank: mountain dew!
Last word said: i dont know [thats what i said haha]
Last sleep: last night.
Last IM: Liz, and Taylor
Last ice cream eaten: dip n' dots. mint chip :)
Last time amused: when the kangaroos were having sex in the zoo haha
Last time wanting to die: never really...
Last time in love: i dont know if i was every in love.
Last time hugged: yesterday.
Last lipstick used: a few days ago. haha
Last underwear worn: today.
Last shirt worn: blue cami.
Last pants worn: grey soffes.
Last belt worn: clear one
Jewelry worn daily: watch, and ring and bracelet. that i chewed haha
Last poster looked at: marykate and ashley. its on my floor haha
Last show attended: umm..i dont know haha
In the past 48 hours have you:
Cried: no
Bought something: yes
Gotten sick: nope
Sang: yes :)
Eaten: yes
Been kissed: no
Felt stupid: no
Wanted to tell someone you love them, but didn't: no
Moved on: huh
Talked to an ex: nope.
Missed an ex: no..
Talked to someone you've got a crush on: nope
Fought with your parents: yes haha
Social life:
Best girl friend: kristin!
Best guy friend: i dunno @ the moment
BoyfriendGirlfriend: nope
Hobbies: dance.
Pager: nope
Are you the center of attention: depends.
Would you rather be with friends or on a date: depends haha.
Do you have a job: no
Do you go to church: no
Who's your role model: marykate and ashley haha
Pet peeves: i dont know right now
Ever liked someone you had no chance with: i dont know.
Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: noo
Ever been cheated on: i hope now
Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": relationship
Do you want to get married: definitely!
Do you want to have kids: yep 2 girls, 1 guy
Are you happy with who you are: sometimes
Are you happy with your life: yes usually
If you could change one thing in your life right now, what would it be: hmmm...gotta think about that one!
what fun. im going to take a shower.