1. What is the most adventurous food you've ever tried?
Maybe sushi? The idea of raw fish is so off-putting, but it's delicious and nutritious. One of my favorites. I love the scallop rolls and the eel rolls and almost anything with avocado in it. I wish I knew what the names are, haha.
Or maybe Indian food? The spices are so strong, but it's a wonderful experience. Takes me back to England and the Gatehouse, man. Except over there you don't leave the restaurant smelling of curry powder, ha.
2. What is the most adventurous food you'd be willing to try?
Pretty much anything, as long as I know it won't kill me. And maybe depending on circumstances like resource and time of the month and that.
3. Would you have a problem eating dog meat and why or why not?
It depends on the situation, I think. I wouldn't like to eat a goldfish fresh outta the bowl, but I have eaten and enjoyed raw fish. If I were getting tortured with it, then I'd probably have a problem. If I were in another country where dog meat is a common food, then it'd be a little easier. If I were eating dog meat when I thought I was eating something else, I'd have a HUGE problem. But other than that, I think it's all about mind over matter. I couldn't get my mind over the fact that I was eating a baby sheep (roast lamb at my in-laws) but I could get my mind over the fact that I was eating a slimy snail (escargot on a pastry). There might be more to it, but that's what I think right now. =)
4. For the most part, do you consider your diet to be balanced?
Somewhat. I overload on carbs and sugar; it's my weakness. I've been making a conscious effort to cut out too much candy, cuz it's not good for my teeth either, and beer is the bane of my gut. I could do with more fruits and veggies, but there's just not a lot of that in my house. I do try, though, if that counts for anything.
5. Which is more appealing- being a vegetarian for the rest of your life or being a strict carnivore for the rest of your life?Probably vegetarian because I need rice in my life. It would also be very sad to have to live without jalapenos.