Aug 19, 2013 01:31
I have been so busy trying to do a bedroom makeover.
Not going to well at the moment I have 0 inspiration.
Classes start in one more week. Blah! err. Not much to say.... Boring weekend. :/
Aug 15, 2013 01:01
I found the book I needed for college online for $15. This is really good, I had no idea how I was going to pay the needed $179. I think $179 for one book is insane! No wonder some people skip college all together.
This is the reason it took me a while to go back. Such a nightmare.
college life
Aug 13, 2013 02:20
Be in bed. Being awake at 2:00 is not the best idea.
My insomnia is becoming really bad.
Aug 11, 2013 20:05
I am actually looking forward to Monday.
That is how boring Sunday has become.
Aug 11, 2013 00:36
I should really be looking at what books I need for school. Online College is a pain, but I think
it is easier for me. I don't have that much time for school at the moment. I am glad that I did
deiced to go back. 12 more classes to go. So yay? Maybe.
college life
Aug 08, 2013 04:43
Insomnia again. I am really starting to hate this. I guess I need to get used to it, being awake and all. I think I am just panicking for the college classes. Err. I been out of the school loop for a few years.