Jul 09, 2005 09:48
I think I missed something, ready over the journals.
And I was doing so good keeping up, too. :(
Jul 08, 2005 11:55
Envy-boy got in a car crash...?
How unfortunate. ^__^ Now who will type badly on my flist once he's gone?
Jul 07, 2005 11:08
People seem upset. ^__^ I can't imagine why?
It can't possibly have anything to do with my little joke yesterday, can it? I really didn't intend anything like this to happen~~! ^__~
Jul 06, 2005 19:25
Pegasus, do you think you could call me next time you have a chance?
Jul 05, 2005 15:21
Well, hello, everyone~~~!
It would appear I have acquired a livejournal.