Title: Tezuka's Hairy Little Problem
Recipient's Name: Everybody from the
funpotexchangeAuthor: Everlind
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 11 400
Pairing/Characters: Tezuka. Cameos from various other characters.
Warnings: Crack, Tezuka-style. Sort of. Kittens. Fuji. Kite being purple. Gouya. Oh, and killer whales.
Summary: Tezuka rescues a cat.
Disclaimer: The Prince of
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Comments 17
And if Tezuka's mother thinks he's different when with his friends...let's let her keep that delusion, shall we?
Oh...the purple.
Fabulous and fun story :-) Yay Cat! ("Well, she's cat-shaped." LOL)
But really, I'm very glad I managed to be a little funny here and there.
Thank you for taking the time to comment
That was awesome!
I'm really happy to hear that, I felt way out of my depth with Tezuka, but somehow it was also sorta fun? Odd though that may sound ;)
Really, thank you! Means a lot to know you enjoyed it!
Shishido (as well as Tezuka's immediate impression of the boy) absolutely cracked me up, I'm so glad I was in the room by myself reading this or people would have thought something was seriously wrong with me, laughing by myself at my computer screen xD
And then Atobe and his virgin mimosa. I. Just. One of the only people that can make me laugh out loud reading. "A cat. Meow." e.g. why I love Tezuka. And you. So much.
I think I told you this before, but it still applies: It'll always be your fault that whenever I see Kite, I'm going to tag behind "and his tight purple pants" no matter the circumstance or situation or even if the word is referring to the things that fly in the air. Purple. Very, glaringly purple. Always ( ... )
For this comment alone the story was worth all the anxiety attacks I've been having XD
There's no words to express how happy I am that I managed to give Tezuka 'a voice' of his own. I mean, he's absolutely unlike ANY character I've EVER attempted to write. But he was so much fun all the same (oddly enough. Tezuka. Fun. The world is ending).
I could not resist the tiny drop of Silver Pair there (you know me! It is inevitable) -I just switched to my 'usual' Shishido POV and wondered what his reaction might be when Tezuka called him. That and he's a total tool ( ... )
Whenever I need a pick-me-up, or time to spend, I go "I'm going to go read Everlind," and that never fails to put a smile on my face, or tears in my eyes, or whatever proper/improper emotion there is to feel. Which made me realize that it's been ages since I've last read and commented on your things, which is actually on my list of things to do over the summer, haha.
Please accept this WIP (because it's bedtime and sleepy drawing is just asking for trouble) as apologies/bribes/whatever-you-may:
[Spoiler (click to open)]
( ... )
(I...I... thought you were kidding!!! I just. wow. Er. My feels. I can't. Coherent sentences, no can do.)
...have I actually ever taken a request from you? (I often take requests but only manage to finish one or two...) Cause I HAVE to answer this with something custom tailored for you.
And in case it wasn't obvious THAT ART. I LOVE IT. SERIOUSLY. Choutarou's face! AUGH *_* And Shishido all lol, no wth Tezuka.
You win the internet. Seriously.
...could I share this on tumblr? FULL credit to you, naturally?
ILU <3
Seriously. Thank you. Like mountains of thank you. With cherries on top dipped in thank you.
ILU2 <3 <3 <3
(and e-mail me as soon as epicness on your part is happening *so excited* ^_^)
Wonderful. Simply wonderful.
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