The Basics
Name: Sarah Nicole
Age: Sixteen
Gender: Female
Location: Maryland, USA (aka in front of my computer) :)
Your Weaknesses: My weaknesses are the people I love. Without them, I would honestly be nothing. I hate when they are hurt, and I'll kick anyone's butt who tries hurting them. I am very protective of them.
Your Strengths: Actually, my strength is also my weakness. The people I love keep me going, keep me waking up in the morning and living my life. I'm also very out-going, bold, and loving.
Your Talents: I am pretty good at writing and drawing, but only in black and white. I'm good at american football, actually.
Favorite Color(s) and why?: I love the colors yellow and purple. Yellow, because it is sunny and cheerful, like me. And purple because I just like it.
Favorate Twilight Character(s) and why?: I actually really like Jasper, because he's a character that is struggling much more than the rest of the Cullens adjusting, and I find it admireable that he's sticking to the 'diet'.
Favorite Animal(s) and why?: I've always liked manatees, because they are such easy-going animals, just floating through the water all day, never bothering anyone.
Favorite Place(s) and why?: Actually, I love being at my friends' houses, because it always seems like my house is incredibley boring in comparison.
Favorite Movie(s) and why?: Hmm. Thats a tough question! I actually like that new movie called 'Knowing', it was amazing. Nicolas Cage was incredible in it, and it just gave me goosebumps. :)
Favorite Book(s) and why?: I bet you were expecting me to say Twilight here! Ha! It's not nearly one of my favorite books, but its okay. My favorite book is City of Bones, by Cassandra Clare. It is, literally, breathtaking. I'd marry it if I could. <--a joke!
Favorite Television Show(s) and why?: I LOVE Gilmore Girls. Its my addiction. Its funny, sad, and amazing. It cracks me up. I also love the show NCIS, but only the newer ones without Kate. I didnt like her too much. :)
Favorite Food(s) and why?: I love steak and shrimp. I could eat it all day. Its just what I like. I also like Brussel Sprouts. :)
Twilight Related
Which character would you like to be your best friend? Why? Hm. That would probably have to be..Angela, because she's just so level-headed and honest. I would get her to open up a bit so she's not so quiet and shy. :)
Which character would you like to be involved with romantically? Why? None of them, actually. If I had to choose, it would probably be Jacob, because hes more my type. I dont like clean-cut boys. I like them a little rough around the edges. :)
If it was between becoming a vampire or a werewolf, which would you become? A vampire, hands down. I would NEVER want anyone to know what I was thinking, so I would totally NOT be a wolf, especially if I was in a pack.
Digging Deeper
If you knew that you were going to die tomorrow, what would you do? I want tell the people I love how much they mean to me, how I couldn't have made it this far without them, and that I love them and to just be happy. Also, tell my family to throw me a party when I die instead of a funeral. I don't want people to mourn my death, i want them to celebrate my life. :)
Put the following words in order according to your priorities : Self, Money, Love, Power, Family
My Order: Love. Family. Self. Money. Power.
Anything else?
Hmm. I don't think so. :)