Разновес фирмы "Alb. Rueprecht & Sohn" Фото из Инета.
Из коллекции Максима Платухина, г. Харьков.
Фирма Alb. Rueprecht & Sohn основана в 1859 году.
1873: Всемирная выставка в Вене в 1873, почетный диплом для весов
1878: Выставка Exposition Universelle в 1878 году, в Париже, Золотая медаль
1880: Выставка-продажа, в 1880 году в Вене, почетный диплом для весов
1897: Международная выставка 1879 года в Брюсселе, почетный диплом
1932: 60 лет метрической системы в Австрии, почетный диплом Министерства торговли и транспорта
1935: Международная всемирная выставка в 1935 году в Брюсселе, диплом Гран-при.
Подробнее -
https://funtofil.livejournal.com/635916.html Набор стеклянных гирь. Фото из Инета
Гиря стеклянная 1 КГ. Фото из Инета
Образцы гирь. Фото из Инета.
Гири из хрусталя. Фото из Инета.
Разновес. Фото из Инета.
Seltener Gewichtssatz mit zehn gläsernen Gewichten von 100 Gramm - 1 Gramm (insges. 310 Gramm)
Разновес. Гири имеют поверочные клейма. Фото из Инета.
Разновес. Фото из Инета.
Гири Австрии. Большие гири представляют собой стеклянные контейнеры, заполненные свинцовой дробью, меньшие - твердые кусочки стекла. Гири были приобретены в 1904 г. у Австрийской калибровочной комиссии.
Смотреть -
https://www.nist.gov/nvl/austrian-glass-weights Эталонные гири из стекла, с насыпанной свинцовой дробью. Австрия. Фото из Инета.
Набор эталонных гирь, хранящихся в г. Радом (Польша) . Фото С.Т. Жукова.
Г.Радом в июле 1915 г. оккупирован австро-венгерскими войсками, остававшимися в городе до ноября 1918 г.
Гиря из цветного стекла. Пресс - папье. Фото из Инета.
Гиря 1/2 КГ. Фото из Инета
Гиря с маркировкой 3 Фунта. Реальный вес 420 гр. Пресс - папье. Фото из Инета.
Гиря с маркировкой 2 Фунта. Реальный вес - 284 гр. Пресс - папье. Фото из Инета.
Гиря с маркировкой 2 Фунта. Пресс - папье. Фото из Инета.
Монетная гиря династии Омейядов, 743 г. Музей Уолтерса, США.
† ISLAMIC COINS. Arab Sasanian. Muhammad b. Marwan, Governor of the North 73-91h, Glass Weight, 282.13g, 50mm, hadha / ma’izzan saba’in / mithqal mi’a / dirham ‘amara bi-hi / Muhammad bin Marwan,
“this standard weight is equal to 70 mithqals 100 dirhams by order of Muhammad bin Marwan”. Broken but skilfully repaired, which makes it impossible to determine whether any shards of glass were lost
from the interior surfaces of the break, otherwise as manufactured and unique. The Caliph ‘Abd al-Malik bin Marwan named his brother Muhammad Governor of Mosul,
Azerbaijan and Armenia in the year 73h.Muhammad remained in office until he was dismissed by his nephew, the Caliph al-Walid in 91h, and thereafter he faded into obscurity.
This standard weight was issued by Muhammad bin Marwan while he was serving as Viceroy of the North, where he would have been in charge of implementing the Umayyad
coinage reform of 77-78h.The piece would have acted as the control tool against which the mint could validate the standard weight of its precious metal coinage. It is certainly the earliest
surviving documentary evidence of the famous seven to ten ratio between the weight of the Mithqal and the Dirham, a standard which has survived in traditional usage ever since that time.
With this weight a skilled team of operatives would have been able to establish a mint, it being the central tool around which all other operations of production would have revolved.It is likely
that this piece was used to control and validate the weight of the Umayyad silver Dirhams known to have been produced in both Azerbaijan and Armenia in the year 78h. The discovery of this
and the previous lot provides precious evidence of the care and precision employed by the Umayyad administration in the conduct of its business.They also give first hand evidence of the
accuracy of subsequent historical research.The fact that they have both survived, and are in such remarkably good condition, is virtually unprecedented. £280,000-320,000
Гири из Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Монетная гиря из Египта. 10-12 в. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Гиря большого размера с двойным клеймом необычной формы.Египет.8-12 в.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Гиря для взвешивания монет. Египет.
На гире впечатано имя Hayyan b. Shurayh, руководителя казначейства в Египте в 717-720 гг.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Гиря для взвешивания монет. Египет.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology
Гиря для взвешивания монет. Греция.
Гиря для взвешивания монет.
7th C. Islamic Glass Coin Weight, Arabic Script
Near East, Islamic culture, Umayyad to Abbasid Caliphate, ca. 661 to 1258 CE. A dazzling coin weight, made from blue-green hued glass with gorgeous rainbow iridescence throughout.
The coin weight is impressed with a square stamp and 3 lines of Arabic script - indicating it was likely made by a square silver dirham coin.
Because coins were not always minted according to standard weight and purity levels, coin weights were used to measure the appropriate sum of money required for a purchase,
regardless of the number of actual metal coins. Different sets of weights were used for gold, silver, and copper coins. Glass was a preferable medium for these weights,
since they could be made relatively easily and any chips or alterations were immediately visible to the naked eye. Size: 1.5″ L x 1.1″ W (3.8 cm x 2.8 cm); weight: 7.8 grams
Гиря. Фото из Инета.
Наборы стеклянных гирь. Фото из Инета
Гири для взвешивания монет.
ISLAMIC COINS, Islamic Glass Weights, A wonderful selection of Islamic Glass Weights formerly in the collection of Alexander H Morton, author of A Catalogue of Early Islamic Glass
Stamps in the British Museum, 45 pieces comprising: Umayyad Monetary Weights (9) Glass Dinar or pre-reform Arab-Sassanid Dirham Weight, in the name of Abd al-Malik,
3.91G Glass Dinar Weight, in the name of Abd al-Aziz b. Marwan, 4.29G Glass Dinar Weight in the name of Abd Allah b. Abd al-Malik Governor and Finance Director of Egypt,
4.23G Glass Dinar Weight in the name of Usama b. Zayd, Finance Director of Egypt, 4.22G Glass Dinar Weight in the name of ‘Ubayd Allah b. al-Habhab, Finance Director of Egypt,
4.23G Glass Dirham Weight in the name of Abd al-Malik, 2.82G Glass ½-Fals of 17-Qirat Weight in the name of ‘Ubayd Allah b. al-Habhab, Finance Director of Egypt,
3.28G Glass ½-Fals of 15-Qirat Weight in the name of ‘Ubayd Allah b. al-Habhab, Finance Director of Egypt, 2.93G Glass ½-Fals, anonymous, 2.01G Umayyad Commodity Weights (11)
Fragment of a glass vessel stamp in the name of Hisham, 2.34G Fragment of a glass vessel stamp for a Qist in the name of Hisham, 4.08G Fragment of a glass vessel stamp
in the name of Marwan II and citing Zamil b. ‘Amr, Finance Director of the Oasis of Damascus, 4.08G Double glass vessel stamp for a “measure of a Fals”, in the name of Qurra b. Sharik,
Governor and Finance Director of Egypt, 3.70G Glass vessel weight for half a measure of wine (nabidh), in the name of Qurra b. Sharik, Governor and Finance Director of Egypt,
11.29G Glass vessel stamp for a measure of “mishsh”, in the name of Hayyan b. Shurayh Finance Director of Egypt, 6.33G Large glass vessel stamp for a measure of “kamun”
or white cumin dated 123h and in the name of al-Qasim b. ‘Ubayd Allah, Finance Director of Egypt, and Dawud b. al-Murr his executive, 16.64G Glass vessel stamp for a qist of olive oil for a Fals,
in the name of al-Qasim b. ‘Ubayd Allah, Finance Director of Egypt, and Muslim b. al-Arraf, his executive, 2.89G Glass vessel stamp, anonymous, 5.22G Glass vessel stamp, anonymous,
4.89G Glass vessel stamp, anonymous, 5.05G Abbasid Monetary Weights (5) Glass Dinar Weight in the name of Salah b. Muslim, under the authority of Ishaq b. Sulayman(?),
4.13G Fragment of a glass Dinar weight with partial inscription mentioning the treasury thus directly linking the use, control and or manufacture of weights with the administration,
1.87G Glass ½-Dinar weight in the name of Muhammad b. Said, Finance Director of Egypt, his executive Salama and an artisan, Severus, 2.13G Glass ½-Dinar weight, anonymous,
2.04G Fragment of a dated (monetary?) glass weight, with inscription ending “ishrin”, “twenty”, 0.66G Abbasid Commodity Weights (9) Glass vessel stamp in the name of al-Mansur,
6.47G Glass vessel stamp in the name of al-Mansur and ‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad, 2.02G Fragment of a glass vessel stamp in the name of al-Mansur and ‘Ubayd Allah b. Ziyad,
3.01G Fragment of a glass vessel stamp for a Ratl of chickpeas in the name of al-Mansur, 3.52G Fragment of a glass vessel stamp in the name of al-Mansur,
2.14G Glass vessel stamp in the name of in the name of ‘Abd Allah b. Salih, 3.96G Glass vessel stamp in the name of in the name of Ishaq b. ‘Issa Hals,
2.02G Large glass vessel stamp for a Fals of beans in the name of Salama, executive under Yazid b. Khatim and Muhammad b. Said Governors and Finance Directors of Egypt,
22.06G Glass stamp of uncertain purpose in the name of ‘Abd al-Rahman b. ‘Umar of b. Tamin, executive in Egypt, 7.52G Others (11) Miscellaneous Fatimid, Mamluk, Byzantine and figurative glass weights
Браслет из стеклянных экзагий.
Bracelet made of Sanjas (14th - 17th Century) Bracelet made of Early Islamic glass weights and used in Egypt. Donation of Neslişah Sultan. Фото из Инета.
5th-8th century AD
A flat-section green glass discoid weight with impressed Christogram to one face. 0.86 grams, 15mm (1/2"). Fine condition, chipped. Rare.
1st-2nd century AD
A glass weight with a facing female bust, possibly Medusa. 19 grams, 33mm (1 1/4"). Fair condition.
Каталог исламских стеклянных весовых гирь -