(2159) Фирма "MARION & Co" (M. & Co.). Великобритания

Feb 13, 2023 10:43

Весы Великобитании - https://funtofil.livejournal.com/716896.html

Смотреть - https://www.facebook.com/groups/975793659115799

Весы почтовые. Клеймо - "MARION & Co".
Имеется 2 шкалы - весовая до 8-ми Унций и тарифная - 3-х Пенсов.

Рendulum parcel scale by Marion & co, England. The mechanism fits Hiscock´s patent:

"A vertical rod is pin-jointed to three parallel forked levers, one above the other, the uppermost arm projecting
beyond its axis, and having a counter-weight fitted. The arm is bent in such a manner as to allow the weight to pass
under the lower of the three axes. The second forked arm carries a toothed segment geared with a wheel attached
to a pointer which travels around a graduation dial indicating weight.
A second pointer, traveling over a quadrant on the same dial, indicates rates of postage.
A spring buffer is attached to the baseplate to check the motion of the weight on its return swing."
Смотреть - http://www.scales-and-weights.com/scales/scaleidx.htm

Весы почтовые.  "MARION & Co". На шкале указан вес и тарифы оплаты корреспонденции. Фото из Инета
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