Everyone knows that wasps can sting,
but did you know that wasps also bite?
Whilst many people understand that wasps are hazardous because they sting, they also bite and spread disease, much in the same way as a common fly.
Wasps use their mouths for all manner of tasks including catching and killing insects to feed grubs, chewing up wood into pulp and cleaning & preening.
A wasp’s mouth becomes a sanctuary for all sorts of pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria and fungi.
It has often been said that wasp bites can be more painful than wasp stings - particularly if they become infected.
Wasp stingers are smooth, unlike the barbed stingers of bees, which means that wasps are capable of many repeated stings.
Young wasps invariably have cleaner venom, which causes pain and swelling at the site of injection, which normally subsides after a few hours.
Wasp venom is responsible for causing all manner of effects including swelling of the brain, internal bleeding, kidney and liver failure, blood clotting and various cardiac abnormalities.
Whilst rare, there are reports each year of fatalities from wasp stings where victims have been stung repeatedly so as to receive a toxic dose of wasp venom.
It is thought that as few as 30 wasp stings
can be sufficient to be fatal to an adult.
One of the favored hunting grounds for wasps is faeces. Because wasps are unable to fully retract their stingers, they form an ideal conduit for bacteria to pass into their sting sacks. Mature wasps not only have a chemical weapon at their disposal. They also have a biological one as well.
More people die world wide from wasp stings than from snake bites! On average about 12 people die each year in the UK from wasp stings but this number may be significantly more according to the British Medical Journal, which suggests that many wasp sting deaths go unrecognized as heart attacks or strokes.
A major problem with anaphylactic reactions is that in most cases victims are unaware that they may have an allergy to wasp stings. Even where victims have been stung many times before they can suddenly develop an allergy!
It is estimated that about 200,000 people are stung by wasps in the UK each year at the height of summer and early autumn.
Wasps have very distinctive bright yellow and black markings for a reason. In most people they awake a primeval loathing and fear. There is good reason for this! Only a fool ignores hazard warnings!
Don’t get “stung” this summer, get a wasp trap
now at only £17.95 from www.cybermarket.co.uk
...but I'm not spending £17.95 on that!!