After a long search for someone to take over FurBuy I'm proud to announce that search is finally over. Starting in the next few days
mordrul will assume the management and administration of FurBuy moving forward. I've already started turning over "the keys" to him and providing him with instruction and background in the operations of the system and the history of the site. He is optimistic, energetic and excited to be taking on this role and the challenges of moving FurBuy forward in the months and hopefully years to come. So without further adieu, please give
mordrul a big round of applause and a warm welcome to him in his new role as Community Lead for FurBuy! (He'll make an introductory post as well after he gets some sound sleep, I've kept him awake for quite some time with training and helping him get setup in his new role!)
What happens to me, you ask? I will go back to working on the software for the sites which the parent company Pan-Dimensional Marketplace operates, and making improvements which will be consumed by all of the member sites, including FurBuy and several new sites which will be opening soon. My role in FurBuy will slowly dwindle as Mordrul takes over those responsibilities and leads the site in a new direction with a fresh new face and attitude. I will still be open to feature requests and discussing the site with folks (as well as continuing to be a bidder and seller!) but I will relegate most of the admin duties and leadership and marketing to our newest team member. There's a lot of great stuff coming to FurBuy very soon!
Thanks again for everyone's ongoing support and patronization, and most especially for putting up with me in the interim between Community Leads. ;)
~ Jurann