me, shireen and z right ready to go en mi casa
CPK before the semi-formal
big pimpin in the H2 limo
Alex my date (on fire), Me, Court, Rey
i look so manly in this picture, but thats ok becuz Alex is kissing me
Court and Rey looking slightly like pixies (but adorable all the same)
me and alex after the dance...
cristina and lucas. the wifey is kissin her hubby before he goes off to work (isnt that wat that reminds u of?)
wow, im jus too cute right there.
bernie and rey chillin at the "after-party"
prostitute: Ms. Courtney (only $5 an hour! jk court, ur hot) oh and lets not forget veronica and cristina with their cute little faces in the background...
veronica looking pretty and me looking drunk.
yeah. on fire.
me, z, charlie's face, eric, bernie, andrew (looking amused), and court havin an orgy on the couch
the photo that sums up the evening: akward, but hilarious and sexy all at the same time.