[Spell your name backwards] seel htepsle yticilef
[The story behind your user name] It's how you say my name, in a deliberately pretentious awkward spelling.
[Are you a lesbian?] Nope.
[How old?] 19.
[Where do you live?] Reading / Herefordshire.
[4 words that sum you up] Small, bored, lazy and nerdy.
[Wallet] Sequined ivory coin purse, and a black pouchy thing for my cards. I've not got round to getting a wallet yet because I'm too cheap.
[Toothbrush] Is a toothbrush really THAT interesting?
[Jewelry worn daily] Make Poverty History Band, Yellow thread of wool, black thread from my bag, friendship bracelet from my sister, my ring from Berlin, silver hoops and various other piercings.
[Pillow cover] Yellow.
[Blanket] Yellow (GOD I MUST BE BORED)
[Coffee cup] I don't do coffee.
[Sunglasses] Which ever ones I've stolen and not knocked myself out in the blindness that comes with sunglasses for me.
[Underwear] Boring and never matching because I'm too slobby in the holidays to have co-ordinated underwear, and all my nicer underwear is at my house.
[Shoes] My feet are nude. And I'm a vegetarian which means I can never wear nice shoes anyway because they're always leather.
[Handbag] I don't have any handbags I am a crap girl.
[Favorite trousers] My fold up indigo jeans.
[Cologne/Perfume] Anything by Anna Sui. Yum.
[CD in stereo right now] Currently in my cd player: Bright Eyes; 'I'm Wide Awake It's Morning', Bloc Party; 'Silent Alarm', The Mars Volta; 'Frances The Mute'.
[Tattoos] None as of yet.
[Piercings] Once on both ear lobes, tragus, rook, snug, and navel.
[What you are wearing now] My pyjamas nothing exicting.
[Hair] long, curly, dirty and blonde.
[Makeup] None at the momment but usually just some eyeshadow, eyeliner and mascara, I don't know how to do make-up properly.
[In my mouth] cola, teeth and a tongue.
[In my head] Joy Division blasting through ear phones, lots of smoke and dancing and fast cars.
[Wishing] That I could win loads of money so I could buy a fuck off big house for everyone to live in next year for free.
[After this] Crawling upstairs and trying to sleep.
[Talking to] Myself, and Nick on MSN.
[Eating] Pumpkin seeds.
[Fetishes] Black Flag T-shirts.
[If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?] My goddamn bastard wankstain landlord. Because he's a money grabbing theiving bastard wankstain.
[Person you wish you could see right now] If I could see anyone right now I wish that I could see my grandparents again, but that's impossible... So I'm going to say Nick because I can't see him for another two weeks and I miss him.
[What is next to you?] A Holiday Inn pen and a mouse.
[Something that you are deathly afraid of?] Being alone.
[Do you like candles?] I love candles but I always worry I'll set stuff on fire.
[Do you like incense] I love incense. But I am a stinky hippy.
[Do you like the taste of blood] I don't dislike it.
[Do you believe in love] Of course, what kind of person doesn't?
[Do you believe in soul mates] Yes.
[Do you believe in love at first sight] Yes.
[Do you believe in forgiveness] Yes.
[Who is your worst enemy?] Myself.
[If you could have any animal for a pet] I'd have a dog.
[What is the latest you've ever stayed up] For three days.
[Ever been to Belgium?] Nope.
[Can you eat with chopsticks] Never really tried to be honest.
[What's your favorite coin?] £2 coins, because they're the biggest value coin.