Title: LARP...a lot Words: 14k Rating: PG-13 Summary: They LARP. College AU. Crack. Disc: these people own themselves, and also I don't know much about LARPing. A/N: creepy-secret sends me text fic and I try to repay her. master fic post
I thought it was the first week of September. I have been reading so much fic and messing about in my own head so much, the hours just one long bleed apparently, that I for actual god's sake thought it was still the first week of September.
All I got from this preview is that some guy's been abroad and maybe he saves Colin M from being toooo badly beaten up. preview Am I the only one who can't understand Colin's accent??
Today was basically like ff.net fic. Lots of fake, "plotty" things happened, and then people propositioned me in a contrived manner.